Yesterday started out as such a good day. First i had saturday off and the guys had to work and jen had somewhere to be with her lil girl so i planned on watching a bunch of movies. Then my sis came over with her family. And they got to stay for a while which was a surprise because her husband is allergic to cats, he even left to go get meds so i could spend more time with the baby. He is so adorable, i loved getting to visit with him (whats really sad is I moved back to be able to spend time with the baby and now since i dont have a car I dont ever get to see him
) so was really happy she brought him over....
Then when she had to leave Peter called me up and said he was going to come visit. He is doing really good and seems really happy. He is finally in a relationship that suits him. they are so cute together, and it seems like she really appreciates him. I always worry bout him because he is such a good guy and I dont want to see him walked on.
the only bad point of the day was my roomates relationship. We live with my husbands brother and his gf. He treats his gf like crap.. he actually treats her like a 4yr old. Everything she does is a lie and he is constantly tryin to get her to prove herself to him. Well anyway yesterday she was going to his resteraunt to watch the Alabama game (because thats where he wanted her to go to keep an eye on her) Now you have to understand this girl is so into alabama (she only moved here to be with this idiot) She was all decked out in bama wear and had the pom poms, and when she got to his work... of course she did "something wrong" and he ruined the rest of her night.. took her back to the house and lectured her for about 1/2 hr until she was finally saying she was sorry and she would do whatever he wanted.
this just makes my stomach turn because it reminds me of my past relationship and how miserable i was. she came to me cryin after saying how much she hates herself for bending to him. and how he makes her feel so small and stupid. I told her she needs to stand up for herself but she said she is too scared to, because she loves him and doesnt want to lose him. (go check them out on my myspace.. she is hottie and he is c.brandon) I really dont think she should put up with him , i hope she can change him because if not he is gonna be a miserable old man when she finally has enough and leaves him.

Then when she had to leave Peter called me up and said he was going to come visit. He is doing really good and seems really happy. He is finally in a relationship that suits him. they are so cute together, and it seems like she really appreciates him. I always worry bout him because he is such a good guy and I dont want to see him walked on.

the only bad point of the day was my roomates relationship. We live with my husbands brother and his gf. He treats his gf like crap.. he actually treats her like a 4yr old. Everything she does is a lie and he is constantly tryin to get her to prove herself to him. Well anyway yesterday she was going to his resteraunt to watch the Alabama game (because thats where he wanted her to go to keep an eye on her) Now you have to understand this girl is so into alabama (she only moved here to be with this idiot) She was all decked out in bama wear and had the pom poms, and when she got to his work... of course she did "something wrong" and he ruined the rest of her night.. took her back to the house and lectured her for about 1/2 hr until she was finally saying she was sorry and she would do whatever he wanted.
this just makes my stomach turn because it reminds me of my past relationship and how miserable i was. she came to me cryin after saying how much she hates herself for bending to him. and how he makes her feel so small and stupid. I told her she needs to stand up for herself but she said she is too scared to, because she loves him and doesnt want to lose him. (go check them out on my myspace.. she is hottie and he is c.brandon) I really dont think she should put up with him , i hope she can change him because if not he is gonna be a miserable old man when she finally has enough and leaves him.
Thta's sad that she puts up with that...I know what you mean, sometimes when you are that much in love and have low self-esteem, you put up with anything...I hope she opens her eyes soon, its good that you are there for her.