went out and hung out with the guys from SGIE
i had fun and even thou I had worked 12hrs I was ready to go out dancing afterwards... but the guys were ready to go to bed so we cut the night short...
tomorrow it is sushi with the IE guys and maybe the new Die Hard movie...
here are a few more pics from san diego

ok so here are some pics from our first visit to the nude beach

tomorrow it is sushi with the IE guys and maybe the new Die Hard movie...
here are a few more pics from san diego

ok so here are some pics from our first visit to the nude beach
Is it wrong that I can hear Bolero when I look at that last pic? You're probably too young to remember 10. Hell, I'm almost too youg to remember 10.
Yeah we will be gone but we are coming back the weekend that u are spending with mama. went to doctor today everything good so far the heart beat is 138 beats per minute.