Everyone has that space...
they all have that bubble.
That place they go...
to escape all the trouble.
Some hide away...
oblivious to life.
Others no longer notice...
another's strife.
They consume a thought...
or process fears.
Within that bubble...
they never see your tears.
Cause leaving that space...
it might show they care.
But when faced with the Illusion...
why would they dare.
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"The silence of the good people is more dangerous than the brutality of the bad people." - Martin Luther King Jr.

My words an feelings...
they might as well be invisible.
Over this past month...
you've done nothing but show me I'm dismissible.
Your constant barrage...
destroying an tearing down all that's been built.
An here we are now...
are you not ashamed do you not feel any guilt.
So as you step on this an run away...
jus as you did once before.
Can I...
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