I fail at updating.
Went and saw The Loyal Divide this weekend at Scully's. I enjoyed. Dood has a crazy mouth.
Also went to Ashland this weekend, apparently one of my long lost friends is there. And I guess he is the prestident of a frat. I didn't enjoy frats when I was in college, don't really enjoy them much now.
I also suck at spelling.
yes, president only has one 't'
The Rats kicked some large ass. Started late and had to potty break but they still rocked the fucking house. My ex showed up, not surprising but still not fun.
Lab Rats

Thrift store hip and hop
The Lab Rats play the Ravari Room tonight, check it out if you aren't doing anything.
I'm an idiot. I totally forgot how to add a new entry to my blog.
But yeah, I love South Park. I sometimes forget how freakin' funny it is.
"This is just like the time we tried to get our money back after seeing Baseketball."
That shit is golden.
yes sir, thats it
Well updating this thing hasn't been going so well.
Went out with some friends this weekend, I finally got to go to Surly Girl and I wasn't impressed. I'll give it another shot when I'm not so anti-social but yeah. Hit up hounds dogs for another kick-ass pizza. Yay white pizza.
One of my friends was drafted to run his family beef farm after his dad 'went away' for a while, he knows very little about running a farm because he hasn't lived in the area for years. He stumbles through his chores only randomly able to communicate with anyone that knows what they are doing.
I've taken it as my task to provide whatever support...
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I'm really bad with blogs. I think they are great for people with lots of interesting things to say.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with this thing and not scare everyone away.