its been pretty quiet around here lately, which is always a good thing. im trying to enjoy it while it lasts, because i can feel it coming, were about to shift gears and go full throttle again. the afghani national elections are to be held in september and we will no doubt have our hands full. ive been doing a small amount of research on the matter, and as far as i know, this country has never had a successful election in its entire history. kind of sad when you really dwell upon it. and i guess the united states's intent is to send in the Marines and oversee the whole election process.
you know, make sure nothing shady happens.
almost ironic, isnt it?
somewhere, buried deep beneath the bullshit that i have to deal with on a daily basis, i do believe in the cause. i want to believe that the sacrifices that we are making are all worthwhile. i want to believe that nick and ricky didnt die in vain last may. all gave some, some gave all. and im not saying that im not skeptical about the outcome of this whole situation, because i am skeptical as hell.
all i know is this....
as i type right now, im sitting in a tent where maybe 50 miles away used to be a terrorist training camp. a camp where hazmi and mihdhar recieved initial training and later went on to fly planes into the world trade center. where were you on 9/11? i remember clear as day. i was getting high. it would be the last time that i would ever light up. 9/11 changed us all in many different ways. we all lost a little bit of innocence that day. they took that away from every single one of us, and it still pisses me off. i never in a million years would have imagined that almost 4 years later i would find myself here, half the world away. but nevertheless, here i am, fighting for the cause. what is the cause? there are many different answers to that depending on who you ask. we are over here, and contrary to popular belief, our primary task isnt hunting down taliban and your garden variety warlords. (thats just a perk) our mission is on a higher level if you ask me. if we can help the people of this country stand on their own two feet, if we can help them be a democracy......then afghanistan is one less place in the world that provides a safe haven for terrorists. seemingly insignificant when viewed in the grand scheme of things, but its a start, nonetheless. maybe im just a naive optimist. but in the words of john lennon, im not the only one.
ill break it down even further. i dont give a damn about this country and i could care less about the people that live here as well. what i care about is disney world. i plan on having a family when i get out of the marines. i want to be able to take them to disney world and not have to worry about some haji with a bomb strapped to his chest hurting them. im not out here fighting for afghanistan.
im out here fighting for disney world.
on a lighter note......much much much much much thanks goes out to pinup for the lovely care package i recieved in the mail today. i had goldfish and double stuff oreos for lunch and it was so good i got a tummy ache. but seriously, porn or no porn, it made my week.
(i told you i was stoked about it!)
you know, make sure nothing shady happens.
almost ironic, isnt it?
somewhere, buried deep beneath the bullshit that i have to deal with on a daily basis, i do believe in the cause. i want to believe that the sacrifices that we are making are all worthwhile. i want to believe that nick and ricky didnt die in vain last may. all gave some, some gave all. and im not saying that im not skeptical about the outcome of this whole situation, because i am skeptical as hell.
all i know is this....
as i type right now, im sitting in a tent where maybe 50 miles away used to be a terrorist training camp. a camp where hazmi and mihdhar recieved initial training and later went on to fly planes into the world trade center. where were you on 9/11? i remember clear as day. i was getting high. it would be the last time that i would ever light up. 9/11 changed us all in many different ways. we all lost a little bit of innocence that day. they took that away from every single one of us, and it still pisses me off. i never in a million years would have imagined that almost 4 years later i would find myself here, half the world away. but nevertheless, here i am, fighting for the cause. what is the cause? there are many different answers to that depending on who you ask. we are over here, and contrary to popular belief, our primary task isnt hunting down taliban and your garden variety warlords. (thats just a perk) our mission is on a higher level if you ask me. if we can help the people of this country stand on their own two feet, if we can help them be a democracy......then afghanistan is one less place in the world that provides a safe haven for terrorists. seemingly insignificant when viewed in the grand scheme of things, but its a start, nonetheless. maybe im just a naive optimist. but in the words of john lennon, im not the only one.
ill break it down even further. i dont give a damn about this country and i could care less about the people that live here as well. what i care about is disney world. i plan on having a family when i get out of the marines. i want to be able to take them to disney world and not have to worry about some haji with a bomb strapped to his chest hurting them. im not out here fighting for afghanistan.
im out here fighting for disney world.
on a lighter note......much much much much much thanks goes out to pinup for the lovely care package i recieved in the mail today. i had goldfish and double stuff oreos for lunch and it was so good i got a tummy ache. but seriously, porn or no porn, it made my week.

(i told you i was stoked about it!)

Dang I really meant all of that and I reread it and it sounds so cheesy... hahaha.
Cool, you got my package!!! I'm just as excited as you are! Ha! Next time you'll get Mickey Mouse and some Hustler!!!
Stay safe over there, Chad. Always thinkin 'bout ya.