pipemasters competition got cancelled due to the swell being too small. major bummer, but at least i got some sun today, i was starting to look pretty white for a minute there. and thus, tommorow marks the beginning of a new week, ill most likely be gone the whole time due to being out in the field doing squad competitions. whoever said that infantry grunts are stupid never read the 6-5 pub (for those of you that actually know what that is.) oh yeah, i think this weekend i am going to update some pictures, because it has been brought to my attention by my new friend with somewhat of a marine fetish that i just need to.
anyways, so think of me while im out sleeping under the stars, and leave me something nice to come back to.
i took this picture yesterday and thought id share.......

i took this picture yesterday and thought id share.......
binge drinking at 10 a.m. is fun.
nope was not nearly as cracked up as it was made out to be... the vandals were the only worth while band....
how are you doing?