and a happy halloween to all of you.
heh. for this halloween, a couple of us decided it would be fun to dress up in man-jammies and go as Afghanis. it was a good idea until we ended up almost getting shot at, so trick or treating came to an early end this year. and all i got was a lousy rock.
it was my feeble attempt at cheering myself up, given two recent developments......
1. Fox Company. Ever since the beginning of the year when i was originally attached to Fox company, we have done literally everything together, everywhere. From mountain climbing school in Nevada to sleeping in the snow in Bridgeport California to flying to Afghanistan to fighting for our lives in the Chawkay was all with Fox Company. And i didnt fully realize it until the other day just how close i was with these guys, how they had became like brothers to me.
So when they hit me with the news that Fox Co. was moving and we were staying behind to attach to another company, it was like getting punched in the stomach.....the kind that knocks the wind out of you. I used to watch that HBO TV series "Band of Brothers" and if i have ever come close to being as tight with a unit as the boys in Easy Company back in WWII were....surely it was with Fox Company. So, saying goodbye to them last night as they loaded up onto trucks wasnt easy. A lot of hugs and ackward goodbyes and hidden tears. I guess i just always imagined being with them on that plane back to hawaii.
and for the third time, i have to change my address.
2. Koa. In Hawaiian, it means "warrior" Koa was in many ways, a godsend to me. when i first arrived in-country, he was there, just a little puppy jumping on everyone, looking for someone to play with. With all the mange dogs you see in this country, he truly was a pretty dog, a diamond in the rough. Perhaps what i loved about him was how he was always so full of life. Countless times when i was down, i could always remember being outside playing chicken with him and for 15 minutes at a time, it was like i was back home again, without a worry in the world. and i am forever in his debt for that. sometimes at night, he would sneak into the tent and sleep on my carpet next to my cot. he was my dog. i was even investing some serious thought in a scheme to smuggle him onto the flight back to hawaii.
A little over 2 weeks ago, when i went on a 7-day operation, we were staged outside at night waiting for the trucks to pick us up, and sure enough i heard the rapidly approaching footsteps of koa. i played with him for a good 20 minutes until the convoy arrived, and then loaded up. it was the last time i saw him.
When i came back a week later, he was nowhere to be found, and after asking around, noone knows for sure what happened to him, he just disappeared. i was devastated.
Yesterday when i was on guard....i saw a pack of dogs running out there and although it was hard to see, one of them looked like koa.
whatever happened to him, i hope hes in a better place. miss you buddy.

heh. for this halloween, a couple of us decided it would be fun to dress up in man-jammies and go as Afghanis. it was a good idea until we ended up almost getting shot at, so trick or treating came to an early end this year. and all i got was a lousy rock.
it was my feeble attempt at cheering myself up, given two recent developments......
1. Fox Company. Ever since the beginning of the year when i was originally attached to Fox company, we have done literally everything together, everywhere. From mountain climbing school in Nevada to sleeping in the snow in Bridgeport California to flying to Afghanistan to fighting for our lives in the Chawkay was all with Fox Company. And i didnt fully realize it until the other day just how close i was with these guys, how they had became like brothers to me.
So when they hit me with the news that Fox Co. was moving and we were staying behind to attach to another company, it was like getting punched in the stomach.....the kind that knocks the wind out of you. I used to watch that HBO TV series "Band of Brothers" and if i have ever come close to being as tight with a unit as the boys in Easy Company back in WWII were....surely it was with Fox Company. So, saying goodbye to them last night as they loaded up onto trucks wasnt easy. A lot of hugs and ackward goodbyes and hidden tears. I guess i just always imagined being with them on that plane back to hawaii.
and for the third time, i have to change my address.

2. Koa. In Hawaiian, it means "warrior" Koa was in many ways, a godsend to me. when i first arrived in-country, he was there, just a little puppy jumping on everyone, looking for someone to play with. With all the mange dogs you see in this country, he truly was a pretty dog, a diamond in the rough. Perhaps what i loved about him was how he was always so full of life. Countless times when i was down, i could always remember being outside playing chicken with him and for 15 minutes at a time, it was like i was back home again, without a worry in the world. and i am forever in his debt for that. sometimes at night, he would sneak into the tent and sleep on my carpet next to my cot. he was my dog. i was even investing some serious thought in a scheme to smuggle him onto the flight back to hawaii.
A little over 2 weeks ago, when i went on a 7-day operation, we were staged outside at night waiting for the trucks to pick us up, and sure enough i heard the rapidly approaching footsteps of koa. i played with him for a good 20 minutes until the convoy arrived, and then loaded up. it was the last time i saw him.
When i came back a week later, he was nowhere to be found, and after asking around, noone knows for sure what happened to him, he just disappeared. i was devastated.
Yesterday when i was on guard....i saw a pack of dogs running out there and although it was hard to see, one of them looked like koa.
whatever happened to him, i hope hes in a better place. miss you buddy.

...and on your comment of the show "Over There"; I feel you man. I know it's nowhere near real-life, but it does make for good TV; and given the current shit that's on TV these's better than most. All good bra.
Speaking of hot do know about Operation: Playmate right? (you can get an autographed photo and stuff sent to your A/FPO). I keep meaning to tell my cousin (USAF) who's touring Hondo about that...
be sure to post your new address...take care