Quick update.
Unemployed reality settled in around Xmas when I literally didn't have money to buy gifts for anyone. As much as I hate to admit it, this hammered on my self worth a bit. At the time, still had no idea where rent would come from.
Out of thin air, a side job dropped in my lap. I've been trying to dig my way out of the trades, but for a mercenary worker such as myself, they do afford more opportunities to turn a quick work trick. In this case..
This evening I find myself sipping ginger tea in a multi million dollar house south of big sur. Overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I'm doing a quick electrical job on a bedroom remodel. I was given my task and then the owner left for Monterey. So I am alone in paradise watching the sunset and making at least enough scratch to pay my rent and my phone bill. Don't know what I'll do after this, but goddamn sometimes I trip out on how things in my life work out.
Something always comes up to save my ass. Doesn't keep me from worrying every fucking time. I've had to pluck some grey whiskers from my face fur. I've had to borrow. Beg. I've been homeless. Pondering investing a bit of money in a campervan and living on wheels. But I keep on breathing. Sometimes even when I'd rather not. To be brutally honest I've contemplated the self induced Big Sleep more than once. I'm not proud of that. And I know I never could. But it's been a rough 2 years and sometimes I wonder what the fuck is the point?
I'm a survivor. I'll get the rent paid. I've got a special lady friend coming down from Oregon to visit next week. So, sex and companionship and love a week from today. Tomorrow morning there will be a sunrise, a mug of coffee, work in paradise and a beer at sunset.
Say one thing about old Upton, say he has a special appreciation for the simplest pleasures life has to offer and those are the things that keep him kicking on down the winding road of his life.