In a hurry without needing to be in a hurry. Self imposed planning crisis. Bored to tears by the first leg of this trip. The Bay Area is beautiful but I've seen it too many times. I don't notice it anymore. Like a neglected girlfriend. 15 cents short at the tollbooth means a disapproving look from the gatekeeper while he dramatically fumbles through an old fashioned rubber change purse. The honking of insistent horns if faceless peoples who's progress I have impeded. I think to myself that they can all suck a bag of dicks yet I'd lay on the horn if it was I back there. Two forced cigs in Benicia leave me wondering why I bother anymore. My lady friend in Chico cooks me dinner and fills me in on her sexless relationship. The celibacy count stands at one month. He's gone for the weekend duck hunting. To me this says more than anything else. Drink two beers chain smoke and listen. I've always been attracted to her but I'm not sure why. The teenage son gets in at midnight and glares at me as if I've wronged him. I say goodnight because I can think of nothing else to say.
I hate that feeling of over familiarity with a place so that you can't appreciate it any more. So frustrating. I wish there was a selective memory-wiping drug that could make old stuff feel new again. Looking forward to reading more about your trip, i like your level of detail.