Aint posted shit in awhile how the fuck ya'll doin'?
It's been a rough week ladies and gentlemen but I have overcome the obstacles laid before me and pray I get more hardship to come. There is no greater feeling then to feel you have overcome and accomplished a lot. I am thankful I didn't end up like most people I knew who after 6 years later just sitting on there ass doing nothing and...
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This may sound fucked up but in the passed 7 years when people have passed away, that I knew .. I feel numb.. no tears or stong emotions... Life for me just carries on and I do care and am all like "fuck I wont be able to see them anymore" but nothing hard... Have I just gotten used to it, have I become souless?...
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No, but you've become calloused thanks to the military. It happens. Doesn't mean you're a bad person.
Dude people straight trolling... SG needs to get rid of chat for sure ... causes nothing but problems and people just hate hate hate and nothing but keyboard warriors....
I like chat, most of the time. But lately I've been getting distracted from schoolwork thanks to it.
Haha I dunno about needing to get rid of it. I mean there's an easy way to make it go away, don't click on the CHAT link at the top of the page. It would be nice if there were moderators in there though. SG just needs to make a few SGs moderators like they did a while back with Bexi and Anarchy and a few others. They need to pick some that actually go into chat.
1st day back in the army ... Going to meet my new unit.. only 3 months out and I couldn't fully let it go.. heading to the field today and I am reminded I am not a morning person.... Embrace the suck!
Haha, I totally remember those days!! Best of luck, Acta!
Some people......
I am just wondering when it will be my turn for things to work......
Girl... I'll set your fields on fire!
And then I'll put them out with a giant fire hose.
I have my reason's for being such a cold hearted asshole, so don't take it personal yo!
Life is giving me all kinds of obstacles right now... All I gotta say is that it's about fucking time ... How else am I going to be a better person .. I will over come all this stuff being thrown my why I am excited to take it all out 1 by 1 .....
"why tip toe through life only to arrive safely at...
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"why tip toe through life only to arrive safely at...
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THank you so much for the love on my set! <3 Have a lovely day! kisses
"The only easy day is yesterday." A saying said by people who really care about what they're doing.