Wow, i'm lonely... frown
GAWD!!!! I hate people that sit and wait for the last minute to bid on EBAY! FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!! My pretty camera was taken away from me... Oh well, I 'll try again later. I want to start taking pictures of SG stickers, which reminds me...I need to order stickers. frown

Anyway...new topic. I bought a new video game 4 days...
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I'm tired so I will just list the slightly interesting stuff...

- I bought an electric shaver to keep my head shaved and keep my goatee somewhat under control (wish I hadn't cut my dreads).

- I found a digital camera that I could use to take pictures and download straight to my psp (awesome). biggrin

- I found a software upgrade for the psp that...
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I hate going to work. I'm sure everyone says that, but not everyone has to play with cow and pig parts. I want to go out and do something, but I hate going out alone. I wish one of my firends would call me. I'd call them, but I've done that so much that i've started to sound like a desperate girlfriend. If only Mikey...
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All the SG girls are hot and hardcore. That's great and all, but were are the girls that are a little more down to earth? Maybe even a little more cuddly or romantic...?

Oh well...anyway...Here's a thought for all those of you that have stretched lobes out there. Anyone familiar with the stretched ear lobes of buddha (like on the little statues you see at...
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I think I'm the only 24 year old left in the world that plays with toys... or maybe not.

xoxo me