Last night I had a dream that I won an enormous tub of wasabi from some sort of radio call-in competition - "100th caller wins a 10 liter tub of wasabi", that sort of thing.
Once I got the wasabi, I realised that I didn't have enough room for it in my flat, so I decided to sell it on ebay.
The buyer wanted to...
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Once I got the wasabi, I realised that I didn't have enough room for it in my flat, so I decided to sell it on ebay.
The buyer wanted to...
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Still with the wasabi? 

Thanks! That video was quite an accomplishment given the state of "health" I was in. We were going to shoot one more day and couldn't but there was enough footage for a cohesive storyline and I'm so proud of everybody on the team.
Insert default rambling, barely coherent, self-pitying, miserable blog post here. Repeat. 

"May the spirit of Louis Wain attend this happening!" Best pre-opening wish ever!
I've never felt so creatively uninspired in my entire life. I can't seem to lift a finger to work on anything. The thing is, though, that I don't know what to do otherwise.
I seem to vacillate between making tea, drinking it while checking my email, and laying down on my bed staring at the ceiling.
Blank. It's strange.
I seem to vacillate between making tea, drinking it while checking my email, and laying down on my bed staring at the ceiling.
Blank. It's strange.
Welcome to the Boxing group!
I was teaching last week, and I spent the night in a hotel because I had come a day early to sort out some things at the Uni studio.
There where about 200 or so seniors on a group holiday booked in to the hotel. In the morning, I woke and went to get my free breakfast, which was actually quite generous.
At one point,...
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There where about 200 or so seniors on a group holiday booked in to the hotel. In the morning, I woke and went to get my free breakfast, which was actually quite generous.
At one point,...
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me too !
got them in december.
they were present in my last set, you just missed them
SF is treating me quite well so far!
got them in december.
they were present in my last set, you just missed them

SF is treating me quite well so far!
Looking for something for the person who "has everything"?
Human Biological Fluids
Grim. Though I can produce some of that stuff myself, good to know if I can't get a student loan next year.....
Human Biological Fluids
Grim. Though I can produce some of that stuff myself, good to know if I can't get a student loan next year.....
Why is it that wherever I move I am surrounded by karaoke? My old flat mates would drunkenly wail to "Eternal Flame" every Monday night until 4 in the morning. Now, I've landed across from a gay bar that does karaoke every Friday night. OK, that's only twice, I can't claim it's the result of cosmic influence just yet. I do find it interesting that...
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I like cats.
Cats are nice.
They have claws.
They catch mice.
I like cats.
Cats are cool.
They like yarn.
I'm their fool.
But if you put them,
In the bath,
You'll feel their bite,
You'll feel their wrath.
entropy, just delete them...
Thank mew. Selket seems to agree.

Last night I dreamed that I lived somewhere in London in a really swank apartment that had a sort of canal in the courtyard- very pretty, the whole thing overlooked the Thames. It was at night, and the city was lit up.
I went to the aquarium shop because I decided that I needed a fish for my canal- I ended up with this really...
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I went to the aquarium shop because I decided that I needed a fish for my canal- I ended up with this really...
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thanks for your lovely comment on my set!!!
Oooh, you are still around. Goody! What's been happening in your part of the world?
Can someone help me write my aesthetics essay? I'm totally over it, I just want to make some obscene and agitating noises on my computer and think deeply about cuddly animals....
I would really, really love to fall headfirst into an inflatable pool full of bunnies and just roll around, enshrouded by their heavenly softness.
But alas.
I would really, really love to fall headfirst into an inflatable pool full of bunnies and just roll around, enshrouded by their heavenly softness.
But alas.
OMIGOD! Today is Boxing day!! I'm so excited (I just can't hide it, etc.)
Yeah, I got the first RY 30 for cheap, and I'm still deciding whether to get a Drumstation or another RY 30. The Yamaha can do a lot more, but the Novation is space efficent. And the whole reason why I sold a lot of my gear was to only have rack equipment. I used to play live with the gear a lot and it was so much easier to just load up a few racks than to drag out huge keyboards.
You know it's such a toss up. The thing that I love about the RY30 is the variety of sounds and the ability to control them from the front panel. And like I said I prefer rack mounted gear. The Drumstation obviously is a rack and has tons of pots to twist, but hardly gives you any range when it comes to sounds. Sure I love the 808 and 909, but I've got plenty of those sounds in the R8 already. My buddy used the K5 and loved it, but he preprograms every nook and cranny ahead of time. I get in and modulate and arrange my songs on the fly. I need my little knobs to play with.