Hey guys.
So not a lot has been going on lately honestly.
I stayed in all weekend, other than a few hours on Saturday night/Sunday morning when I met up with my friend Paul. He gave me this:
I had been talking to a guy, sort of over the past month, he canceled plans on me on Sunday, 4th time in a row he has done this. So basically, I'm over it. This is why I don't date. Too many let downs. I also hate making plans ahead of time too, unless I'm leaving the state, I just make my plans the day of or the night before honestly.
Also on Sunday night my friend Heather sent me a text saying how she had to take me out of the bridesmaid party because her fiance took someone out of his and then the sides would be uneven. Which sucks because I already bought my bridesmaid dress. It's being custom made by this girl Jiminie who has an etsy shop: my black dress. The dress is going to be in a black stretchy cotton sateen blend of a fabric, but I'm sticking with the pockets with the visible stitching, since I'm not going to be in the wedding, I might as well have a cute little black dress to wear whenever I want right?
What else....spring break is coming up March 9th to the 18th.
I'd really like to travel, but I'm still waiting back from the people I'd be visiting to actually make all of that happen.
But on the plus side, I have met 2 interesting guys since the new guy fucked up and canceled plans on me again. I still have a major crush on someone who doesn't even live in the same state I do, which makes it incredibly hard, but I finally got to talk to him on the phone, downside, my cheek decided to put him on hold and now I haven't been able to get him on the phone again. Damn iPhone light sensor things!
My girl friend Lexa and I have been having entirely too much fun with rage comics lately. We've had conversations using nothing but some of the faces before....it's sad, but oh so hilarious.
I think it's stupid when a dude tells me he's totally into me, but he won't date me because I'm a regular at the bar he does sound for on Karaoke night and occasionally works the door as well....fucking stupid. All because some chick he dated in the past was a psycho.
Today while I was parking to go into court to pay my ticket, the girl who had parked behind me came out and said "here, I payed for 2 hours, but I didn't need the time, take my slip and just back up when I leave." I couldn't believe it. All I said was a very enthusiastic and very appreciative thank you, I guess I should have offered to pay her back for some of it. But she kind of didn't even stick around to see if I was going to offer.
So here are some pictures of dudes, the proof of the parking slip.....and my current laptop situation..oh yea and this hot chick I saw on "so tattooed's" facebook:
Still trying to save up to finish my sleeves.
I have the itch to get tattooed so bad, it's starting to transform into a body mod itch in general and I'm kind of stuck at my 1/2" tunnels for a bit since they're pretty tight and I don't really like the 9/16" that I ordered (the black and white ones from previous blog).
I've been wearing my hair up a lot lately....mainly because I haven't been brushing it, and I can go longer in between washes, but I'm actually starting to become kind of attached to doing it that way.....that and it's keeping me from doing something drastic like cutting it or stupid like getting extensions again.

So not a lot has been going on lately honestly.
I stayed in all weekend, other than a few hours on Saturday night/Sunday morning when I met up with my friend Paul. He gave me this:

I had been talking to a guy, sort of over the past month, he canceled plans on me on Sunday, 4th time in a row he has done this. So basically, I'm over it. This is why I don't date. Too many let downs. I also hate making plans ahead of time too, unless I'm leaving the state, I just make my plans the day of or the night before honestly.
Also on Sunday night my friend Heather sent me a text saying how she had to take me out of the bridesmaid party because her fiance took someone out of his and then the sides would be uneven. Which sucks because I already bought my bridesmaid dress. It's being custom made by this girl Jiminie who has an etsy shop: my black dress. The dress is going to be in a black stretchy cotton sateen blend of a fabric, but I'm sticking with the pockets with the visible stitching, since I'm not going to be in the wedding, I might as well have a cute little black dress to wear whenever I want right?

What else....spring break is coming up March 9th to the 18th.
I'd really like to travel, but I'm still waiting back from the people I'd be visiting to actually make all of that happen.
But on the plus side, I have met 2 interesting guys since the new guy fucked up and canceled plans on me again. I still have a major crush on someone who doesn't even live in the same state I do, which makes it incredibly hard, but I finally got to talk to him on the phone, downside, my cheek decided to put him on hold and now I haven't been able to get him on the phone again. Damn iPhone light sensor things!
My girl friend Lexa and I have been having entirely too much fun with rage comics lately. We've had conversations using nothing but some of the faces before....it's sad, but oh so hilarious.
I think it's stupid when a dude tells me he's totally into me, but he won't date me because I'm a regular at the bar he does sound for on Karaoke night and occasionally works the door as well....fucking stupid. All because some chick he dated in the past was a psycho.
Today while I was parking to go into court to pay my ticket, the girl who had parked behind me came out and said "here, I payed for 2 hours, but I didn't need the time, take my slip and just back up when I leave." I couldn't believe it. All I said was a very enthusiastic and very appreciative thank you, I guess I should have offered to pay her back for some of it. But she kind of didn't even stick around to see if I was going to offer.
So here are some pictures of dudes, the proof of the parking slip.....and my current laptop situation..oh yea and this hot chick I saw on "so tattooed's" facebook:

Still trying to save up to finish my sleeves.
I have the itch to get tattooed so bad, it's starting to transform into a body mod itch in general and I'm kind of stuck at my 1/2" tunnels for a bit since they're pretty tight and I don't really like the 9/16" that I ordered (the black and white ones from previous blog).
I've been wearing my hair up a lot lately....mainly because I haven't been brushing it, and I can go longer in between washes, but I'm actually starting to become kind of attached to doing it that way.....that and it's keeping me from doing something drastic like cutting it or stupid like getting extensions again.

I wish I were the crush

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