So once again...a day behind.
Yesterday I got caught up.
Trained for 2.5 hours, from 11am until about 2pm.

I got the workout of my life since I was riding Suger. (pronounced Sugar)
I worked her for about 10 minutes in the ring, mainly working on her cantering since she's a priss when it comes to cantering. ell she did absolutely beautiful going on her right lead (counter clockwise around the ring). when it came to her left lead.....not so wonderful. she crow hopped and bucked a bit, so I had to one-rein stop her. (stop the horse, grab the right rein and pull to my knee then up to my waist, pulling her nose to my toe, once she gives release and repeat on the same side) for this situation though since she bucked you go much quicker and you don't let her release and you do it two times each side. asked for the canter again and it wasn't exactly what I wanted but she did step into it, she just pinned her ears back. JenniLee and Laura were on the ground in the ring and they said she pinned her nose too, so she was definitely being a snot.
Well then JenniLee and Laura and I all went on a trail ride. All was groovy for the first...3 minutes. I thought that Suger was trying to get something off of her belly with her back foot....nope. she was being nasty and was kicking out because she didn't want to once again, had to do the one rein stop. she did it a couple of other times and finally gave up. well then we came to our first "steep" hill. it was only steep for about 10 - 15 feet then it was gradual bc the trail cut across the hill rather than straight we get to where the hill was at it's steepest and she started kicking out again, one rein stop, ask to go forward, kicked, one rein stop, ask to go foward, CROW HOP AND A we're escalating the attitude? ok, so fast one rein stop, go foward, crow hop and buck, O.R.S., foward, crow then I started spinning her in circles and a couple more ORS's and she FINALLY went down the hill. after that she chilled out. well other than one more buck bc she wanted to canter and I wouldn't let her. Needless to say, this horse is large and loves to throw her weight around, I got the workout of my life. My abs are sore, my shoulders and chest are sore...good frikin lord.
30 days of fitness:
I'm supposed to do my c25k training today, but I am so ungodly sore from running and riding back to back, it's ridiculous, also I have a hair appointment, then my mom wants to get tattooed, then I have a date with the tattoo artist, but he wants to go to the movies which is lame and there are like no good movies in the theaters time to figure out something else. lol. and then my friend Robbie is in town from NJ DJing at a club up the street from my apartment....let's see how well I can fit all this shit into one afternoon and night. FML.
Anyway, time to hop off and head to my hair appointment.
ps. i want to shoot some sets!
You go girl!!
Thanks for everything<3
How was your weekend? How is your week going? (: