This is how mine was:

I'm not severely hurt. Air bag burn on my arm, my chest is bruised a little bit from the seat belt and the airbag and my neck, shoulders, and back are hurting pretty good.
It happened around 4 yesterday and I didn't get home until after 6 which blows. The first tow guy was a complete asshole. Motorclub didn't give him the right information for an address to the body shop so I was on the phone with my insurance company...trying to get a new body shop or a new address and the guy was being a total prick. So he gets on the phone with his shop and I can overhear him and he's telling his manager that I'm too worried about a rental when I was trying to get new information for him. So he tells his boss that he's going to just take my car to them and have it locked up in the yard. I said "no you're not, I'm finding a new place for the car to be taken to, I don't know of body shops or collision centers so I don't know exactly where it's located." So instead he took my car off his flatbed and left me in a Pep Boys parking lot.
Luckily, the new tow company that was sent out to me, the guy was really sweet and told me that the first tow company has done that a lot and his company as always had to follow up their assholery.
So yesterday I was too upset to really think straight so I came home took the dogs out and went to bed.
So today, I decided to look up the first collision center my car was supposed to be taken to.
The asshole tow guy didn't use his GPS to find the place, just relied on his "dickhead know-it-all brain" he wasn't even in the right area of being near the collision center. He kept telling me that the roads Lindbergh Drive and Lindbergh Way was Peachtree Circle. Completely incorrect.
We had to go south from where we were, not north, then take 2 lefts and then we'd be at the collision center.
So you better believe that the tow company is going to hear from me again.
I called to issue a complaint and the "supervisor" would not stop interrupting me and talking over me. I told him what took place and he was like "well you didn't know where your car was going we gave you the option to have it locked up in our yard." I made it clear to him, no option was given, I overheard him state that's what HE was going to do. It wasn't my choice, I was trying to find a new body shop and the entire time he's accusing me of worrying about a rental car. I was completing my claim and that was the point I was at when he picked me up, it wasn't that I was "more worried." So the "supervisor" said he had never heard of Bobby, the driver, being like that, and I said well maybe he's having a bad day, but my bad day trumps whatever crap he might be dealing with, you don't leave a girl who was just involved in an accident that has probably left her car totaled in a parking lot. So the guy basically didn't want to hear anything I had to say and said "call back on Monday." You better believe I'm calling back Monday so I can let him know, his little angle Bobby, wasn't even close to the right location of the collision center, so that whole mess, was his, and their fault. He was given the correct address, and didn't utilize his GPS that was in the truck, he relied on his "knowledge" of where he thought the collision center was. And obviously didn't know how to read since the two roads he was calling Peachtree Circle....were Lindbergh Drive and Lindbergh Way.
So today there's nothing I can do.
It's Sunday.
I had shit I needed to do as well, but Enterprise was closed by the time my insurance company set up the reservation, so I have to wait until tomorrow to get my car. Which means I'll be missing class, and my religions class is a difficult class to miss. And I'm a little behind in another class as well. FML.
But there's nothing I can do right now.
So I'm stuck in my house until tomorrow and bored.
And tomorrow I'm going to the doctor's after I get the rental to make sure there's no soft tissue damage.
And then it's to the collision center so that I can clean out my car.