I'm leaving Atlanta!
What a way to start a blog.
I recently met a guy, Zachery. And he has made me realize just how little Atlanta means to me.
I found myself saying "I could leave Atlanta, at the drop of a hat for NYC, Chicago, or Boston, right now...and have zero regrets."
I know, I know, NYC, Chicago, and Boston, they're like everyone's cities to move to in the north, I get that. But I found 3 bucket lists in a scrapbook my grandmother made me before she died. "Move to and live in Chicago or NYC" were number one and two, on the 3rd, Boston came into the picture.
Now regardless of the bucket lists...I have pretty much made up my mind for Chicago. The cost of living is really not much different than here. I'm spending around $850 per month on living expenses here in Atlanta, and it looks as though rent is about the same up there if not cheaper and with more character. I'd rather spend this kind of money on a place with character rather than this cookie cutter ghetto place I'm living in now.
It's the most selfish decision I think I have ever made that's huge.
A lot goes into this. I'm in the middle of school and I kept telling myself I would stay here in Atlanta until school starts. I can't see myself here another 3 years without killing someone or going nuts.
I don't like the heat. I don't like how far spread out the city is. I don't like how little culture Atlanta has. I miss the cold. I miss people not being afraid of the rain or the snow. I miss being able to wear scarves and hoodies and boots more than 3 months out of the year. I miss the food in those cities.
So yea.
I was accepted to an art college way back when I started going back to school up in Chicago, I figure, now that I have 3 semesters back in school under my belt, I might be able to get accepted to more schools. You know, just to show my grandpa that I'm serious and that I can do this.
I'm done though doing things to make everyone else happy.
I didn't move to Atlanta for me. I moved bc my mom wanted me to move.
I didn't leave Cincinnati because I wanted to. I moved because my mom moved my brother's and I with a dose of guilt trip and I didn't know any better but to follow her.
Now. I'm 25. I have nothing keeping me here. I used school as an excuse. So school might be a little more expensive since I won't be a resident, but I can go part-time only to be cheaper and to maybe work while I'm there, with the ability to meet people, and then, once I hit in state residency, I will go full time and just pray for more money for school.
I'll be taking a trip to Chicago hopefully in the next couple of months. Hopefully I can work it out with school, so I can go for more than two days. Because two days will be stressful to try and figure out where to live, what neighborhoods are good, what's going to be easy to walk to and from school and all that. And also, find out where exactly the schools I'm applying to are located.

So, basically, I need to start researching neighborhoods.
I've looked on Craigslist just to get an idea of what neighborhoods I could afford just off the bat right now. I'm trying to save money compared to here. So I'm looking in the $750 range instead of $850.
If I can't walk to school, so be it, so long as school is near a subway line or bus like and so is my new place, that's really all I care about. I have a bicycle as well.
If anyone has any input, I would love it.
Other than that...life is just meh. I've been sick all week. Finally I'm feeling better.
I have a paper due on Wednesday. The topic is much harder than I planned, but I'm 1 page down and have to have 3 pages. I think I can do this.
Anyway, uhm...that's it.
Pictures of stuff:
my new found...anthem to the people i know
i felt really pretty that day
being sick all week...this is where i thought my keys shoulda gone on cold medicine lol
favorite book right now.
What a way to start a blog.
I recently met a guy, Zachery. And he has made me realize just how little Atlanta means to me.
I found myself saying "I could leave Atlanta, at the drop of a hat for NYC, Chicago, or Boston, right now...and have zero regrets."
I know, I know, NYC, Chicago, and Boston, they're like everyone's cities to move to in the north, I get that. But I found 3 bucket lists in a scrapbook my grandmother made me before she died. "Move to and live in Chicago or NYC" were number one and two, on the 3rd, Boston came into the picture.
Now regardless of the bucket lists...I have pretty much made up my mind for Chicago. The cost of living is really not much different than here. I'm spending around $850 per month on living expenses here in Atlanta, and it looks as though rent is about the same up there if not cheaper and with more character. I'd rather spend this kind of money on a place with character rather than this cookie cutter ghetto place I'm living in now.
It's the most selfish decision I think I have ever made that's huge.
A lot goes into this. I'm in the middle of school and I kept telling myself I would stay here in Atlanta until school starts. I can't see myself here another 3 years without killing someone or going nuts.
I don't like the heat. I don't like how far spread out the city is. I don't like how little culture Atlanta has. I miss the cold. I miss people not being afraid of the rain or the snow. I miss being able to wear scarves and hoodies and boots more than 3 months out of the year. I miss the food in those cities.
So yea.
I was accepted to an art college way back when I started going back to school up in Chicago, I figure, now that I have 3 semesters back in school under my belt, I might be able to get accepted to more schools. You know, just to show my grandpa that I'm serious and that I can do this.
I'm done though doing things to make everyone else happy.
I didn't move to Atlanta for me. I moved bc my mom wanted me to move.
I didn't leave Cincinnati because I wanted to. I moved because my mom moved my brother's and I with a dose of guilt trip and I didn't know any better but to follow her.
Now. I'm 25. I have nothing keeping me here. I used school as an excuse. So school might be a little more expensive since I won't be a resident, but I can go part-time only to be cheaper and to maybe work while I'm there, with the ability to meet people, and then, once I hit in state residency, I will go full time and just pray for more money for school.
I'll be taking a trip to Chicago hopefully in the next couple of months. Hopefully I can work it out with school, so I can go for more than two days. Because two days will be stressful to try and figure out where to live, what neighborhoods are good, what's going to be easy to walk to and from school and all that. And also, find out where exactly the schools I'm applying to are located.

So, basically, I need to start researching neighborhoods.
I've looked on Craigslist just to get an idea of what neighborhoods I could afford just off the bat right now. I'm trying to save money compared to here. So I'm looking in the $750 range instead of $850.
If I can't walk to school, so be it, so long as school is near a subway line or bus like and so is my new place, that's really all I care about. I have a bicycle as well.
If anyone has any input, I would love it.
Other than that...life is just meh. I've been sick all week. Finally I'm feeling better.
I have a paper due on Wednesday. The topic is much harder than I planned, but I'm 1 page down and have to have 3 pages. I think I can do this.
Anyway, uhm...that's it.
Pictures of stuff:

my new found...anthem to the people i know

i felt really pretty that day

being sick all week...this is where i thought my keys shoulda gone on cold medicine lol

favorite book right now.
Good luck! I hope it all works out for you.
good for you!