So. I've been spending a lot of time out of my house, but I haven't been very productive. My entire apartment needs to be cleaned.
I hate cleaning. But oh well. Gotta do what I gotta do.
Uh, so.....I've realized what my issue with the boy is.
He's fucking fickle as hell. Mainly when it comes to emotion or affection and I don't know if I can handle the back and forth. We went to a friend's cook out Saturday night. He stayed very close or right next to me, usually touching me somehow, when I was talking to other people that were there, and then when there were no more seats, we sat with each other on the stairs and watched some awfully funny karaoke. I was either sitting in front of him or him in front of was nice. Then we got home, and he was cuddly and sweet and full of kisses and compliments.....and even in the morning he was sweet as can be. He's a human furnace and he thought it would be funny to make me sweat as soon as I woke up so he trapped me with his arms and legs and succeeded...probably seems stupid from the outside looking in. But so we both had to take a shower, he figured he'd shower in the upstairs because "I'll want to have sex with you even more if we shower together." I'm on my period so we couldn't do the deed the night before.
So we spent all day together, running around, I didn't leave until 10-10:30 that night, and once again, I got the one armed hug and he barely seemed to want to kiss me goodbye.
We've been seeing one another for a month and a half, closer to two months, sleeping together for about a month. The fickleness just seems...I dunno....I think at this point he can stop being fickle about these things. Maybe I should grow some balls and just ask, but I dunno how smooth that would go over.
School starts tomorrow.
My books should get here Thursday or Friday. Hopefully my new bag will get here then too,or this weekend.
So now that school is starting I have consistency. Wake up at the same time every day, Eat breakfast. Work out if I don't have school. go to school if I do, eat lunch at the same time, dinner at the same time, work out after school. Probably work out at my school when I'm there, that way I don't have an excuse when I get home why I can't.
Anyway, time to get my apartment in order. Mopped my floors and started throwing away shit that's been accumulating. Then it's time to get some clothes into bags and donate them to Goodwill. And I might even start repainting my dresser if I have the time, but I'd have to get some black stain first.
Anyway, time to continue.

new bag, it's got plaid on the flap, can't see it in that picture, when it comes in I'll take a pic. It's made by Ogio, one of my most favorite companies for riding gear.

I hate cleaning. But oh well. Gotta do what I gotta do.
Uh, so.....I've realized what my issue with the boy is.
He's fucking fickle as hell. Mainly when it comes to emotion or affection and I don't know if I can handle the back and forth. We went to a friend's cook out Saturday night. He stayed very close or right next to me, usually touching me somehow, when I was talking to other people that were there, and then when there were no more seats, we sat with each other on the stairs and watched some awfully funny karaoke. I was either sitting in front of him or him in front of was nice. Then we got home, and he was cuddly and sweet and full of kisses and compliments.....and even in the morning he was sweet as can be. He's a human furnace and he thought it would be funny to make me sweat as soon as I woke up so he trapped me with his arms and legs and succeeded...probably seems stupid from the outside looking in. But so we both had to take a shower, he figured he'd shower in the upstairs because "I'll want to have sex with you even more if we shower together." I'm on my period so we couldn't do the deed the night before.
So we spent all day together, running around, I didn't leave until 10-10:30 that night, and once again, I got the one armed hug and he barely seemed to want to kiss me goodbye.
We've been seeing one another for a month and a half, closer to two months, sleeping together for about a month. The fickleness just seems...I dunno....I think at this point he can stop being fickle about these things. Maybe I should grow some balls and just ask, but I dunno how smooth that would go over.
School starts tomorrow.
My books should get here Thursday or Friday. Hopefully my new bag will get here then too,or this weekend.
So now that school is starting I have consistency. Wake up at the same time every day, Eat breakfast. Work out if I don't have school. go to school if I do, eat lunch at the same time, dinner at the same time, work out after school. Probably work out at my school when I'm there, that way I don't have an excuse when I get home why I can't.
Anyway, time to get my apartment in order. Mopped my floors and started throwing away shit that's been accumulating. Then it's time to get some clothes into bags and donate them to Goodwill. And I might even start repainting my dresser if I have the time, but I'd have to get some black stain first.
Anyway, time to continue.

new bag, it's got plaid on the flap, can't see it in that picture, when it comes in I'll take a pic. It's made by Ogio, one of my most favorite companies for riding gear.

maybe he takes time to feel secure in a relationship, probably torn between wanting to be all over you and not wanting to smother you. but if it's still going on 3 months from now i'd ask him about it. bleh cleaning...i love a clean house but i've been working so much my house really needs good cleaning! ahh!
I have that same bag...I do like many of the features, but i am a little worried about it holding up.....