Still looking at Condos....also added some houses into the mix.
Also looking for a new apartment so I can get out of this shit hole. So sick of people complaining about dogs bc they don't like them. YOU LIVE IN A DOG FRIENDLY COMMUNITY. FUCK OFF AND GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
In other news. I'm sober.
Other other news. I'm quitting smoking.
Other other other news. I'm still single.
I've lost 3 pounds since I stopped drinking. I have a lot more energy. I haven't been late to work. I haven't been bitchy....well not like I am when I'm hungover lol. It's also kept me from eating shit late at night, I usually end around 7 or 8 unless I know I'm going on an hour and a half walk with Marley around 9 or 10.
Here's to losing 40-50 pounds. Yea I upped my goal. I want to be around 130. I weigh 175 now
Well off to work.
new shoes
might buy these....
Probably going with the flats and the Pumas.

Also looking for a new apartment so I can get out of this shit hole. So sick of people complaining about dogs bc they don't like them. YOU LIVE IN A DOG FRIENDLY COMMUNITY. FUCK OFF AND GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
In other news. I'm sober.
Other other news. I'm quitting smoking.
Other other other news. I'm still single.
I've lost 3 pounds since I stopped drinking. I have a lot more energy. I haven't been late to work. I haven't been bitchy....well not like I am when I'm hungover lol. It's also kept me from eating shit late at night, I usually end around 7 or 8 unless I know I'm going on an hour and a half walk with Marley around 9 or 10.
Here's to losing 40-50 pounds. Yea I upped my goal. I want to be around 130. I weigh 175 now
Well off to work.

new shoes
might buy these....

Probably going with the flats and the Pumas.

Congrats on quitting smoking and your weight loss; don't lose too much weight, you still have nice curves.
Hey! I know it's been awhile but the warrior dash was crazy. Slot harder then last year. It totally kicked my ass. Can't wait to do it again.