The movie "curious case of benjamin button" inspired me to journal more often. The best I can offer are some points of interest:
-I got a lot done today. The new calendar helps. My brain will explode with organization. The cat box is still clean!
-In other news, I have been blown off by my dad (again) and wondering if I should pull the plug. He is such an Ass-hat most of the time.
-I am coming down with a cold and ate too much sorbet because it felt good on my throat.
-Day was completed with a high note when I was kissed on the neck by a handsome man.
-I got a lot done today. The new calendar helps. My brain will explode with organization. The cat box is still clean!
-In other news, I have been blown off by my dad (again) and wondering if I should pull the plug. He is such an Ass-hat most of the time.
-I am coming down with a cold and ate too much sorbet because it felt good on my throat.

-Day was completed with a high note when I was kissed on the neck by a handsome man.
that movie is pretty good, the theme that at the end we have nothing except for the story we have. Good luck with dads, they are never that great