Another journal entry. Yeah, it's been really slow on my journal, but I moved -that's my lame excuse! Did y'all go to comic con? I didn't -well technically I did. I set up sound in the convention center the day before. I couldn't go to the actual event, but I hope y'all liked the sound. I've been so busy with the band and my sound company, that I haven't done anything social outside of work. I've spent my off hours putting together shelves and furniture from Ikea for the new apartment (think fight club everytime you go to ikea). I played the Imperial Beach Sandcastle competition on Saturday. That was pretty damned cool, but I had to go to work afterwards - the usual. Hey -come to Zen Sushi in L.A. on saturday and see us play. I Can never make it to sg events, so bring the sg to me!
My chin is starting to lift...
Just wanted to say that Unsteady is the sex. You got a fan here. -Gina