I used to have a cat that was half stolen half given away when I left Portland. In I still feel like shit about it but now I have seven cats. They aren't actually mine but I feed them and they knock around ping pong balls around the house. There are a ton of feral cats in Hawaii and mine are sort of feral. I mean I can't pick them up or pet them but I can feed them and play with them. I sort of have this relationship with other people too........
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 04, 2006
the 4th. Last year I was tripping balls. Think I'll pass this year.… -
Monday Jul 03, 2006
Sober today. Day like 25. Glad my buddy Chris is here to keep me on… -
Sunday Jul 02, 2006
Lazy sunday. One of my my roommates moved out today. He has a girlf… -
Saturday Jul 01, 2006
we need a graphic novel group. -
Friday Jun 30, 2006
I'mmmm baaaack!!! Missed you guys! So far this summer I have mangae… -
Thursday May 18, 2006
I'm being stalked (T). Will be opening a new account later. laters..… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
My roommate is psychotic, and I know psychotic...He bought rat poison… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
......again with the bored. -
Saturday May 06, 2006
Okay so I actually go out tonite which I never do. I do the bar scen… -
Saturday Apr 29, 2006
OMG bored. Maui is beautiful but there is a serious lack of things t…