Life at its best and worst
A sickly sweet perfume mingles with the pungent scent of exhaust, weaving itself in and out of the masses of people buzzing around me. I am invisible here, and this makes me happy. I do not have to converse or entertain anyone, just be. People cursing, hugging, busy trying to arrange themselves in the most efficient way. A couple passes with their two blonde little girls in matching turquoise outfits, chattering about the lack of variety in the airport food court.
I wander in that direction due to the power of suggestion and order a stromboli at Sbarro's. It was a bad choice, I can feel the grease saturate my pores as it simultaneously drips down my fingers. Heart attack on a plate.
I turn and see two young lovers in a passionate embrace, holding on to the last few desperate seconds they have together before he leaves for the place he just left.
A woman on a cell phone behind me is screaming at her husband over the sound of the construction, "No I can't hear you John, there's too much noise..." That is what comes when you seat yourself beside a jackhammer and try to use the phone. Everyone else can hear you lady, loud and clear.
His flight number is called and I wave goodbye, he'll be back in two days. I walk back across the moving walkway to where I parked the car, and sit listening to the Strokes. I am thinking about how much love and how much pain I just absorbed in half an hour and I feel numb.