I am still alive
There have been so many things going on with me lately that i haven't had any time to update or even take a deep breath and relax for a bit.... so in effort to catch you all up, I'll give you the short version:
-I started training the newbies for American Express, I was previously doing sales. Training is off the phone time which means no sale which means no normal checks anymore(When I accepted the position, they told me I would get a percentage of my normal sales for the month, then they recanted), very bad. However, training is infinitely more rewarding and Amex in ensured quality employees.
-My mother developed some very serious health problems to the point where she can barely walk and I am considering moving back to Texas to help her and my family.
-I had to move back in with my ex because my roomate was sneaking around inside my room. Things have been better, but I still want my own place.
-The hunt for a new place is disasterous, I cannot possibly afford to live by myself here when even the smallest studios are renting for 875.-1000 a month when my bi weekly checks are only averaging 600. now. Grrr!
-I pulled/stretched/tore part of my achilles tendon which has severely impacted my ability to walk or have any independence of my own. That started to heal, and then I tripped while bringing in grocery and hurt it again and added a long gash on my arm and multiple nasty bruises to the list of injuries.
-I made 5 new friends here!! Yay hooray!!!
-Diesel is oh-so-cute! He has a little sombrero that I bought when I was in Texas and he prances around the streets with it on proud as can be
-I started attending Al-Anon meetings, because I want 1)to stop attracting the people who a) attract alcohol binges b) attract trouble/ violence because of those binges and 2) start working on being less co-dependant
and more like myself (whoever that may be).
-My newbies are selling their butts off!! Our little team of four has more sales than the rest of the class combined
Yes, we rock!

-I started training the newbies for American Express, I was previously doing sales. Training is off the phone time which means no sale which means no normal checks anymore(When I accepted the position, they told me I would get a percentage of my normal sales for the month, then they recanted), very bad. However, training is infinitely more rewarding and Amex in ensured quality employees.
-My mother developed some very serious health problems to the point where she can barely walk and I am considering moving back to Texas to help her and my family.
-I had to move back in with my ex because my roomate was sneaking around inside my room. Things have been better, but I still want my own place.
-The hunt for a new place is disasterous, I cannot possibly afford to live by myself here when even the smallest studios are renting for 875.-1000 a month when my bi weekly checks are only averaging 600. now. Grrr!
-I pulled/stretched/tore part of my achilles tendon which has severely impacted my ability to walk or have any independence of my own. That started to heal, and then I tripped while bringing in grocery and hurt it again and added a long gash on my arm and multiple nasty bruises to the list of injuries.
-I made 5 new friends here!! Yay hooray!!!
-Diesel is oh-so-cute! He has a little sombrero that I bought when I was in Texas and he prances around the streets with it on proud as can be

-I started attending Al-Anon meetings, because I want 1)to stop attracting the people who a) attract alcohol binges b) attract trouble/ violence because of those binges and 2) start working on being less co-dependant
and more like myself (whoever that may be).
-My newbies are selling their butts off!! Our little team of four has more sales than the rest of the class combined

Im so sorry to hear that about you mom, is she going to be ok?
What was she doing in your room?
I want to find a roommate and get a bigger place, the one I have now is pretty big for a one bedroom, but when you have studio lights and a 6 foot printer and all this other photo stuff it just is way to small.
How did you hurt your achilles tendon?
I love making new friends here.
Who is Diesel?
Well I hope those meetings work for you. Ive never heard of them.
You must be the best teacher ever. I dont really like sales, I did it door to door for a little while and I dont think I could ever do it again.