Some people say cleanliness is next to godliness. I agree as long as I don't have to be the one cleaning. However, tonight, I'm doing laundry, and cleaning up my pig-ass stye of an apartment. I'm hoping that the motivational factor of having an unembarrasing place to get it on will lead me to some serious humpin, which is at this point long overdue.
EDIT: I've just finished my cleaning ritual many hours later. Thank god it's over. The place looks great. (My half + the odd rooms anyways, my roommates room is still semi-trashed, but fuck it.) However a new problem has arisen. Apparantly within something that had been lurking here for far too long gnats were fucking like crazy. So now the place is clean, but the gnats.... AUGH! Making me fucking crazy. Going to go see if I can find some gnat killing shit at HEB here in a few.
Some bad ass news:
I found out Sinead O'Connor is playing at Stubbs here in Austin in late Feb. I've wanted to see her show since ages ago and haven't gotten the chance yet. This will be the time.
WoW -
V - Done. I'm so uninterested at this point it's kind of sad. Should have tried to bang the midget.
L - Still amazingly hot. I'm probably hanging out with her again tonight, but on a more personal level. A night in at the clean apartment. Maybe a movie, some popcorn, and hopefully 2nd base-ish. I'm not going to try for the home run tonight as much as I'd like to. However, if she trys, I'm not going to try to stop her. Going to use tonight as more of a getting to know thing. She seems a little naieve, but she dosen't really stike me as dumb, at least yet. [EDIT: fucking gnats, now I have to go out again.....]
Crush - Also still super hot, but has had my number for a while and hasn't called. I had my hopes up for this one but a seeming lack of interest, although not a total lack of interested has dampened the fire. I'm certain though all it would take is one date to rekindle the severe desire though.
B - A newcomer to the scene. She ALWAYS wears skirts. That is fucking HOT. I love strong willed liberated women, but with a feminine flair. I tend to be the gentleman, so if a girl is against me opening doors and such that's too much for me. Probably not what I'm looking for exactly however, she's only 18. I have this..... thing.... about immaturity. I think it's the most unattractive quality a person can have. She seems ok from the bit I've talked to her though, which comes as a bit of a shock. I have known very few people that young that actually have their head on straight and their shit at least moderately together, but the ones that do never cease to amaze me.
furnier - I'll save a night for you if you come to Austin
I've got a thing for readheads, and have never been with one. Except myself, and well, that dosen't count!
EDIT: I've just finished my cleaning ritual many hours later. Thank god it's over. The place looks great. (My half + the odd rooms anyways, my roommates room is still semi-trashed, but fuck it.) However a new problem has arisen. Apparantly within something that had been lurking here for far too long gnats were fucking like crazy. So now the place is clean, but the gnats.... AUGH! Making me fucking crazy. Going to go see if I can find some gnat killing shit at HEB here in a few.
Some bad ass news:
I found out Sinead O'Connor is playing at Stubbs here in Austin in late Feb. I've wanted to see her show since ages ago and haven't gotten the chance yet. This will be the time.
WoW -
V - Done. I'm so uninterested at this point it's kind of sad. Should have tried to bang the midget.
L - Still amazingly hot. I'm probably hanging out with her again tonight, but on a more personal level. A night in at the clean apartment. Maybe a movie, some popcorn, and hopefully 2nd base-ish. I'm not going to try for the home run tonight as much as I'd like to. However, if she trys, I'm not going to try to stop her. Going to use tonight as more of a getting to know thing. She seems a little naieve, but she dosen't really stike me as dumb, at least yet. [EDIT: fucking gnats, now I have to go out again.....]
Crush - Also still super hot, but has had my number for a while and hasn't called. I had my hopes up for this one but a seeming lack of interest, although not a total lack of interested has dampened the fire. I'm certain though all it would take is one date to rekindle the severe desire though.
B - A newcomer to the scene. She ALWAYS wears skirts. That is fucking HOT. I love strong willed liberated women, but with a feminine flair. I tend to be the gentleman, so if a girl is against me opening doors and such that's too much for me. Probably not what I'm looking for exactly however, she's only 18. I have this..... thing.... about immaturity. I think it's the most unattractive quality a person can have. She seems ok from the bit I've talked to her though, which comes as a bit of a shock. I have known very few people that young that actually have their head on straight and their shit at least moderately together, but the ones that do never cease to amaze me.
furnier - I'll save a night for you if you come to Austin

gnats were fucking like crazy. So now the place is clean, but the gnats.... AUGH! Making me fucking crazy.
We live with this. The kitchen is clean but they breed down on the first floor of our building and come up through the pipes. We've got fly strips in the kitchen and a home remedy that works pretty well.
Get a mason jar. Put about an inch of water in the bottom, a squirt of dish soap and a little lemon juice. Then take a piece of paper, roll it into a cone, put it in the top of the jar and set it out where the gnats are worst.
The smell fo the lemon attracts them, once they fly down the cone they;re too stupid to find their way back out and the dish soap will kill them.
It's fun.
"the DMV or as I like to call it 'Satan's Ass Fuck.'"
"I think they should hire a guy to hide behind the door and when you walk in he just punches you in the face, that way you're like "Man waiting in line sucks but at least I'm not getting punched in the face again."
Thank you for making me laugh my ass off.