I'm glad you seem to like my set so much! Keep your eyes peeled for more <3
It's super bowl week in DETROIT.
A week long excuse to get drunk every night. Goddamn the super bowl is great. I can't wait another 25 years for this.

A cold, filthy, rundown city is the center of the world for one glorious week. I love it. Welcome to the "D".

thanks for your message, i'm sure i will get round to submitting another set at some point smile
Wow looks great
Your comics look really cool. I am dead tired tonight so I didn't get a chance to really go through your website and check everything out but I will.

My wish list.
I wish I didn't care.
I wish I had no ambition.
What fun it would be to work my job and then go home and drink, chase girls, watch TV, eat potatoe chips (in no particular order)
Nope, I have to be an artist. I mean, I HAVE to be an artist. God that sucks. I wish I didn't care. I wish...
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My fourth comic book IS being printed. I am paying money and it will get printed.
I've been counting on a favor (paying no money) and nothing has gotten done for nearly 6 months. Favors are bullshit.
The only favors that count are like... being pulled out of a burning building or something.
When it comes to your dreams. Rely on no one and compromise...
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I'm told that my 4th comic book has been printed. It should be available before the end of July.
I've come to realize that my art is saving my life. Not in the the intellecually lofty "food for the soul" kind of way... more like I'd be broke, drunk and tortured by women.

What the hell is my art saving me from????
Well, you like suede, so you can't be all bad...
It would be nice to talk with someone from this site. Make a new friend. Share thoughts. Whine and complain to someone other than myself. But that would require making an effort. I'm still too tired to do that. I promise at some point this year I will get more involved with the outside world. You all look so interesting. (Interesting being another word for...
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Tried to put up the Christmas tree today.
Did that. . . . still wating for some Christmas cheer. It didn't come with the tree.
I used to have Christmas cheer exploding out my ying-yang. (not a pretty site).
I've been devoid of Christmas cheer since the new mellenium. I definately had it in the previous century. I'll get it back. Maybe not this year....
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Planning for the new year.
First resolution. Use some of the other attributes on this site, for god's sake. All I do is look at the pretty girls, look at the pretty girls. Add pictures to my favorites.
I don't use any of this stuff. The journal, the groups, networking with people. It's sad. I'm so fucking busy all I have time for is looking...
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No you won't... now shut up and keep drooling.
Starting a business, being broke, and being evicted.
Sometimes 2+2+2 = fucked
that sux. frown
god, mister grumpy!