Oh hai Portland.
We officially have cable and internets again. It was a rough couple of days. I had to read. actual books.
I took the bus to work the other day. Not so bad actually. The bus driver seemed to take a liking to me and we had quite the conversation about bad drivers.
The neighbor lady came over and introduced herself and she seems to know everyone on the block. Having neighbors you actually talk to is kind of weird.
I have a basement and a fireplace for the first time in my life. Perhaps we'll actually get the boxes unpacked and out of the way before it's too warm to light a fire. Perhaps.
We officially have cable and internets again. It was a rough couple of days. I had to read. actual books.
I took the bus to work the other day. Not so bad actually. The bus driver seemed to take a liking to me and we had quite the conversation about bad drivers.
The neighbor lady came over and introduced herself and she seems to know everyone on the block. Having neighbors you actually talk to is kind of weird.
I have a basement and a fireplace for the first time in my life. Perhaps we'll actually get the boxes unpacked and out of the way before it's too warm to light a fire. Perhaps.
Sadly not anytime this year. We put the kibosh on travel this year so we can get rid of this crippling debt. But that does make the possibility of more extensive travel in 2010 considerably higher.