im so so so sad!! my new tattoo looks so bad! i know that it is just healing it looks fake and i hate it, but im hopeing that it will look better when it heals. the color of the tattoo is the color of this smiley

i love it. ok yall know how we have have the jeep, its totaly open, no doors, no windows, nothing but a celiling. so we were eating at sonic yesterday, and a lady that was eating beside us stopped when she was pulling out and was like asking me where i got it and all that stuff, she told me it looked so pretty. i was so happy, i had a really bad day yesterday. im so stressed out, i found out that ive had this virus all my life, called hpv(im sure some of you have heard of it)my mom gave it to me, which is one of the hardest things to do. and its been totaly dormant all my life, but now they found it and im in the stage before cancer, i have the precancerus cells...

im so freaked out! but i trust justin when he says he will take care of me. i love it. i love that he wants to take care of me but i am totaly freaked out. now im waiting on a call from scot and white to get the appointment set up and we dont have the money to pay for it, so im finally making my parents to help out, im so fucking tired of asking Pepe's parents for help, their house burned down for gods sake!! they really dont have the money! so my parents are going to finally help us and pay for this, and now the stupid office dont even know what the hell is going on!!! im so frustrated, i liked this better when Justin was taking care of all this crap. yeah they havnt even gotten close to making an appointment!!!! i hope that they know that the longer they take the closer i get to actually getting cancer!!! that is what im so stressed about....ok i gotta go before i break down and cry, im going to call the salon to make a hair and nail appointment i need to be pampered! ok yall c yall later!!
~~~!Mrs Jessi Stephens!~~~