Unedited because the i try and get everything as perfect as i can get it. Not that i can’t edit. I just believe in preserving the human form as best as i can. We look at women in correctly a lot of times(men) and how i choose to look at women is like i like at anyone else. A human in motion and capturing it is beauty undifined
I was ridiculed and mamed for this. I was told i was practically shooting porn. And it was taken back by it a little. Because most of not all of my can can not be sexualized. It’s just not what i do. But i do dance on that very fine line. But I’ve had issues with my creativity because of the very thought of negetivr envergy being directed at me. And i can’t understsnd why. Like if you don’t like something you avoid it. But to input your own opinion where it isn’t wanted or needed says a lot about a person. I could careless about what someone thinks of me. But i take it personal when my art my work my time is attacked. So i felt compelled to share it with you. Because i figure lol someone will like it other than myself and the muse who blessed me with the time it took to create such a shot.
It"s interesting that I received a similar response from a similar type photo except it was of a male. Viewers also find my nude photos of my TS friends unsettling ......It's one of art"s function to "unsettle" and provoke, so don't let opinion stop you..