You loved me and i LOVE YOU. You kissed me with softly poisoned lips. Little did you know I’m immune to heart break. One to many times ones heart begins to Calcify. But you got me. I gave my all literally everything i had. And ignored, well maybe not ignored. I just couldn’t see. Love is truly blinding. Sacrificed so much did you. It’s like you manifested everything into mylife that you wished i not to do to you. As if you knew me or my character. Don’t lie to me is what you said, don’t hurt me, i remember clearly you saying these things to me. But you did them to me. You lied to me. You hurt me. It’s like we are from two different worlds. Our families won’t ever be able to communicate. I would want our kids to be accepted by my family. You said these things. You! I understand the weight of a families acceptance or approval or even regards. But at some point where do you come in. It’s your life not theirs. You seemed to have had all the answers to your own questions. As if you knew the outcome of our little endeavor. We spent years looking for a place to raise a family. A place to call home. A place to make love. A place to experience the wonders of life and two strangers coming together and creating life and writing our own story. But all of it came to an end when you couldn’t keep up this episode of some Sitcom you wrote and directed. And i didn’t even know i had been casted. You said it without saying. You let your family dictate your life. Our life together. You said you fell out of love. And that you were sorry. I never in a million year would’ve ever thought that me being mixed race would ever dictate the outcome of my relationship. It’ was because I’m black i loss, whom i thought was the love of my life.
This was really hard for me to write. I mean terribly hard to write. But i had to get it out so i can start to heal.