Started read Being Peace by Thich Nhat Hanh today. Awesome.
thanks for the message. I really am digging what you are talking about and it started an awesome convo with my husband last night. I love my kids to death. And given their ages 3 , 1.5 and 2 months it all overwhelming sometimes the amount of work that it entails. I feel like my shift is from 6 AM to 9 PM. 9 and 2 night feedings) I forget what my hobbies even were before them. I do need top have some time for myself though. I don't want it to be all encomapssing so that when they are off to school..I would feel lost and wouldn't remember who I was before. I certainly do NOT want them to feel the strain of the loss of self that I feel! I am starting to make an effort to activly pursue an activity that is only for me (or with my husband too) I'm not sure where to find the time, perhaps the weekend when he can care for them for an hour..I'm not even sure what I would do, but the sed is planted for sure. Its just hard too because we have no family here to take the kids for us to do anything. We haven't been out at night in two years now. Thats sad. I used to have very active social life but my hobbies then were mostly pharmasutical (?sp?) I will find something though. maybe go back to painting at night when they sleep?
nice ideas of sexy.....