So about 6 years ago I almost managed to suicide by cops...

Long story short.

I called them.

They decided to pull a gun... bla bla bla...

Held down.

Had one fine upstanding officer take offence at my swagger... he decided to hobble me. My dominant shoulder? Well....

He overextended my arm, and then pulled a ligament over a bone and hooked it.

6 Years...
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Wow incredible man 👌💪

Poised over a blank page like a stingray to a hunter of crocodiles.

Seemingly friendly until the moment of heartbreak.

Get to the point?

Mercyless metaphors like Metatron st-t-t-tering similes that coil round the animal brain and with a soft whisper beg the question who, not why.

Linguistic gymnastics subtal as a blade of ice slipped twixt chest scaffolding.

Gasping for that tangable ethereal life...
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So I've mostly used this place as a outlet...

A sounding board I guess?

A place to put the profoundly mundane.

Tonight I will try something else....

Words flow from off the goo...

I struggle to keep up as my mind races ahead and ahead faster than even I can type.

I miss the permanence of pen. The messy m istakes.

Fuck spellcheck.

This is...
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*screams back*

So... Some of y'all who read this know me, but for the rest of yall...

Hi. I'm a Chi Artist.

I know that sounds weird and arrogant.

Hear me out.

When I was 12. I have this memory of standing in the shallow end of a public pool... Trying to get my palms to turn off.

I had just attuned to level 2 reiki.

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So... I personally do not mind one bit people bumping onlyfans or what have you, but earlier tonight I had an experience that sat sour. The individual on cam, who I will not name, asked for people watching to buy them a drink... no big deal. Dont hate on it. Its 100% cool in my book to ask for a drink. HERE is where it...
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I'm sorry about it ><
I sympathise greatly man when I first got SG in 2019 I had a bad experience with a non sg onlyfans worker so it delayed me getting to enjoy this site properly. I find it's the girls who stream here regularly or interact with their fans regularly that you can trust

I hate to even breath the words, and believe me.... there are people more expert than I in healing arts, but my 25+ years of reiki and like... month of tai chi movement has lead to a really profound realization in how I COULD approach healing. When one stands naturally, the imbalances of the energy system, the way the muscles ride the frame, and how...
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Incredibly interesting read man
Thanks a ton for reading it...  I sometimes feel like I'm just a tiny voice shouting into the void.

I kinda realized my gymming has become an addiction when I spent 30 dollars I did not have on tension bands to do a workout....

So... I'm that fat kid.

Growing up I was like 5' tall in middle school.... 6'3" is where i stopped growing.

Anyway... I was that fat kid.

I once ate a teacher's cupcake cause it was left out on the...
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I don't know how to say this, I really don't. Please, if you wish to continue reading understand that this comes from a place of mania, as well as a newfound a very profound calling. *Trigger warning mental illness.* (a form of bipolar at play)

I have just spent the day very slowly, methodically, and in a real way sadistically healing, loosening up an...
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An update... I spent a solid 7-8 hours at the gym on the day this was written.... just... punishing the shell.
So, doesn't it hurt anymore? o: I need to start doing Reiki on my injuries asap. Very glad for you btw!!

So most of you don't know, I'm sure, that I've been a reiki practitioner from a very young age, I hit level 2 reiki practitioner around age 12, and have since recertified in 2005. I've been considering what I can do with Reiki lately, thinking of starting a practice maybe, but from what I've heard from other Reiki practitioners its very hard to get one...
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