My probability waves just took a weird jump somewhere.

Everything feels a little wrong/off...

I'm not sure the cause, but... yeah... I need to figure this shit out.

It's a bad time for me too, many misfortunes have happened to me one after the other and in all this I find it hard to pose (I'm a model). Today maybe something has moved inside me, I have to leave those who slow me down
Here if you need me man hope you start feeling better soon

Oxytocin withdrawl... yeah... id almost rather nicotine again.

Its... not easy to make time tap out when you dont even want to spend time with yourself...

I, find myself, searching for somewhere to go... someone to be with...

Its not about finding THE relationship... its more finding a relationship for the moment.

The moment is all we have after all.



Had a painful conversation with a former lover (as of last night)...

They essentially said they had a hard time making and keeping friends.

I told 'em that they were trying to drive me away (one of their few).

They said they were not.

They didn't want a relationship... they just wanted to be friends.

I told them friendship WAS a relationship, and they countered...
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@seducente thanks... life is strange you know.
Your a great bloke and don't deserve this. Clearly knows your a fantastic person but only wants the bits she wants at any given time.. You will bounce back for this just know a lot of people think your awesome

You know the statues... they are iron and steel... hard... yang.. strong... ungiving.

I met a man tonight who turns them into expressions of the wind playing.

By hand.

With a hammer.

A grandmaster smith.

His works... You've seen them without realizing it.

A kite.

A tree.


Wind at play.

Yin. Giving. Soft. made from yang's hard labor in a yang material.


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So... after fixing my right shoulder by unhooking one ligament off a bone...


i realized my left shoulder has had been badly injured in the "incident" as well. (see earlier blog post)

so yeah... my left shoulder

how do i say this

my "good" shoulder for the past, mmmm 6 years?

unbelievably messed up.

the major injury was to mask the ... many... many......
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This sounds so freaking dreadful. I only have mild degenerative disc disease, so I wouldn’t know what you’re going through, but that alone keeps me uncomfortable almost all day everyday. I kinda just learned how to live with it. Best wishes to you 🥺❤️‍🩹
Thank you for the well wishes @seducente.  its not as bad as it sounds... i mean dont get me wrong... the past 6 years have been kinda a nightmare shoulder wise... but, ummmm... i'm ALMOST done fixing it... after taking out about 10 of 'em.  I swear to god.  Every one I take out another is there waiting underneath.

She says she likes a guy with hair...

she says she likes a guy with a beard...


I stumbled on some old sets of mine... had to share.

This... this is the old me... the 3xl me.

No shame... No judgement, but now? My old me... would never believe where i am.

Look at the confidence though.... I rocked that husky frame.

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