Ok. Nothing big.
Few days off.
Piercing is healing nicely.
*sigh* what plans do you guys have?
I don't got nuffin planned.
maybe some sleep
maybe some relaxin
checking out what i can rent
mabe just relaxin
ehy bro sorry it has been a while. I do not trust AOL lol aso I do not run any of thier programs. anyway you can PM me at my forums site http://krassofnod.proboards41.com
that is where the actual guild is based and you can sign in there using any sort of email as long as it is valid. The forums server will shoot you a confirmation e-mail before you use it so it can make sure that you are not a computer justy making a new home for its little nasties.
Sooooo turns out my apmnt complex is trying to screw me. I gotta pay the last 2 months rent (I payed last year for a whole 12 months) because the lady calculated it wrong and they have 13 month leases... Soooo. I gotta come up with $900 like this month to cover this months rent and next months rent... then I gotta save up money... Read More
good luck with your rent bro, damn. hey just to let you in on what I am doing in GW. I am leveling Krass_of_nod right now he is a War/Mes of 4th level. the guild that I have will be training hard as separate units that will eventually represent the guild in the arenas. I hope to get the groups trained so wel that they do not need to be told what to do in the combats. If you wannt to help or join let me know and I will add you to friends and offer the guild memvbership....
So. I was given an extra day off this week. They wer closing down production for 24 hours. 's cool with me because now I get to do nothing all day. Wooooo! Extra days off rule.
I plan on doing nothing all weekend also.
Maybe checking out Hitchhikers Guide tonight.
Nice yea right now I have Stify the Ultranaut as a Ranger Elementalist. My first was the same thing but the other way around. I named my pet with Stify Kikkoman after the soy sauce he he
Not much. Almost done with my first year at Central Oregon Community College. I am majoring in Psychology. The town i live in is very boring so other than the internet and all my stoner buddies I have no contact with the outside world lol. Iplay alot of video games to keep me out of trouble so that is not bad. I am actually a Server Police for a friends Freelancer server. Our server is not up at the moment we are getting a whole new computer for it. The admin are making a great new server side mod for the game as well. So other than being a book nerd and gaming geek not really much lol.
I noticed several of my favorites in your books list and I really do not watch much TV either. It is funny I have cable internet and no cable lol. Iron Chef is way cool though.
Well... two days off, and I'm back to the grind.
I'm gonna be in NC for a few days coming up though.
Two days of work and then I'm runnin' to NC for a few days. I'm happy about that.
I just moved myself...I live in Vancouver, B.C Now...BUT, I am a Proud American, Nonetheless...I wasn't sure what you meant by 'deff'...But as I read on, I realized you were speaking of Laylines and the such...Surprisingly enough...Vancouver does have a VERY large cache of them, and also has the reputation (well...B.C, in general, really) for MANY unexplained occurances...However, as I said...I have had them show up in many pics...But this one was quite full...
And Thank Ye very much for the welcome...I must admit, as I said...I have never liked words like cute nor cuddly...But I think it is going to 'grow on me'...
(You thinkin of a PA? I use to work as a piercer in the early 90's for YEARS...if you have ANY questions...and after proper healing, No...The PA actually adds to sex, as it causes a slight resistance, therefore adding pleasure to both the giver, and recipient...)
hiya, and thats ok, its a pretty sensible thing to research before getting anything done!! My Bf has a ring. He's quite, er, long and often hits the back, depending on the position, BUT it isnt sore.No more sore than hitting the back normally. The bit of metal doesnt make a bit of difference on that score. Overall its a fab piercing.
What a day.
My job was to guard the cage.
No joke.
Thirteen hours of sitting on my ass and getting payed time and a half to surf the net. I've read waaaay too much on WoW for not owning it. Someone needs to buy me internet, and pay for my upcoming move, and then buy me WoW. Yeah. Ok I'm done.
Cool piercing party sounds fab. Thats usally what me and my man do...we both got our genital piercings done at the same time. And a PA will do wonders for ur sexlife
When you planning on going for them? dont waste time thinking about it...just go get it done!!!
But at least your a geek with a cool piercing