Whoop whoop that's the sound of the police right but also hoodie who East Coast I honestly don't know the West could call it is cuz the only sirens are here are fire and ambulance honestly and the cops are on bikes most the time if you go hey if you like sit and talk to you like at a distance but like they won't...
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They have accepted me.

A rosetta stone left in my path.

tonight begins the urban camping experiment.

I have begun to release the material.

I found a quiet oasis of comfort in this land...

Tonight I brew a powerful healing potion for ease of pain of body.

It simmers as I write this.

Contemplating the next move.

In a land of 3$ bottled water...

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I no longer fear the future...

i know i scared a lot of people recently, but the universe...


mother universe provides.

i reached out to my bank....

discovered i had an account full of money i did not know about....



that does not happen.


so i realized... its time to adult with money more.

so i think im going to enroll...
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fingers crossed 🤞

So.... i got a mani/peddi.... first time in my life.

told the shop i had very specific needs


one porcelain nail with a symbol.... 6 lines of polish... no problem they said.

pedi was... weird

i needed it

my feet were brutal


she ignored that i was ticklish

totally ignored

and i'm very ticklish

this shouda warned me

red flag down on play.......
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Well done!
I am sorry that happened >< and congrats on standing up for yourself!

I have spent the last week "exploring" the same few miles of walkable territory in corpus chisti that does not cost me money to get to....

the "interview" i had waiting... the one where i was to "show what (i) can do"?

coulda been done over the phone before i arrived...

i walked 4 miles to be told they dont hire.

at all.

what they...
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I hope it gets better for you soon. You got this!
@fredhincanada thanks for the support... means a whole lot right now

I sit... writing this on a moving greyhound bus somewhere outside atlanta.

i will be traveling all day

i have already been traveling

i arrive 8:30am ish tomorrow.

a new life

i have nothing behind me

my parents made that clear.

i am on my own.

i am excited

i am elated

i am scared

so many options and possibilities abound

i get to be...
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Safe travels
@brokenpoet thanks friend

So... I discovered that the current world record holder for youngest to certify in reiki level 1 was this person named Ayush Gupta.....

he learned at 11

I learned at 8

I dont want the record though.... fuck that amount of fame.

Anyway... so i coldcalled him and reached out...

within 45 minutes the single most famous energy worker on earth was asking me to...
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So recently I was telling someone about my experience with reiki.

they were kinda flabbergasted at how young i was certified...

so on whim... i decided to look up the youngest person to ever be certified as level ONE practitioner....

and if you do... you'll find theres a ton of stuff dedicated to this one guy Ayush Gupta. Turns out he was as young as...
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