Had an awesome few days w/ my hippy poet friend.
Hung out with him and Lex. We did some meditation and talked philosophy and religion all while createing art. God I love that guy. He wants me to cook for his art show. I'm gonna whip up some old fashoned hippy pot o' food. Gonna look for cheap ass stuff/food in friends houses. Throw veggies and rice together and enjoy the result. I think that it will make a great accompanyment to such a low budget show where all we wanna do is show off some cool shit.
Hung out with him and Lex. We did some meditation and talked philosophy and religion all while createing art. God I love that guy. He wants me to cook for his art show. I'm gonna whip up some old fashoned hippy pot o' food. Gonna look for cheap ass stuff/food in friends houses. Throw veggies and rice together and enjoy the result. I think that it will make a great accompanyment to such a low budget show where all we wanna do is show off some cool shit.
Good luck fixing the grub for the show..

Still in Minnesota. Start my new job next week,started a site..you can email me for a link to it if you like,taking my ppst test in 2 weeks and going back to school here in the spring for my teaching license. Just been very busy but all the while still been here. Was out that way a couple months ago and really liked it so who knows maybe one day I'll move out there after another 1.5 years of school. But definatly will be there for the Star Wars convention. And you?