I have no words.
Me thinkst i leveled up?
Somehow something... clicked in my brain, and my body awareness and i explored the spine.
insperation due to @belladonna and her belly dancing practice live.
if only knew houw hard it is for me to keep a word a screen... and not eat.
*deep inward breath as mind returns* ...
so i think?
that my muscle/skeletal memory of going to a realllly good chiropractor for a while... paid off...
cause i can feel my misalignment and i can feel way strange twisting tension path to making that thing align if i let it happen
and focus on breathing and feeling where the tension and resistance is....
healer heal thy self?
i creamed my methporical brain panites every time with that release and relaxation of completing the alignment
i lost myself probably around l3 and decided that i'd prooooooobaly stay away from aroud the areas of l1 l2
and i also discovered i'm a greeedly lil braincumslut? or whatever the proper nomenclature is.
i type this mid tensionpoint relese, and... a part of me is not ashamed to admit it.
physically... my spine aligns and i relax
mentally i go limp
i am