So about 6 years ago I almost managed to suicide by cops...
Long story short.
I called them.
They decided to pull a gun... bla bla bla...
Held down.
Had one fine upstanding officer take offence at my swagger... he decided to hobble me. My dominant shoulder? Well....
He overextended my arm, and then pulled a ligament over a bone and hooked it.
6 Years later I WAS still in pain... still unable to move properly... until... oh god until.
I went to the gym. I limbered up over months... I limbered up to the point where I could overextend my own arm, and once I got there, I reached into the cavity of my shoulder with my bare fingers and I undid what he did. Massaged off the bone and suddenly? FULLY RECOVERED?!?!?!!??! What?! I mean... Dont get me wrong. My god damn shoulder is atrophied as fuck because of not being able to move.... but now? I can do full range of motion. SECONDS after my procedure it was that way, and I rushed to the gym....
Holy shit.
I did the most eastern healing shit I've heard of in a long time.... Western medicine told me I'd never be able to fix it unless i paid them tons of money and let them cut me up... yeah...
My fingers... i felt the issue, and in seconds healing was done.
Six years.
Endure says the I-Ching.
Endure and it turns to power.
I bet that cop did not think he'd teach me to manipulate ligaments by doing what he did.
This knowledge is... amazing. Don't get me wrong. I could do hideous things with this, but I'm a healer... This is big.
Know what?
Next month I buy a book that teaches me to manipulate acupoints with fingers...
to harm or heal.
this ancient knowledge stuff is pretty dope.
The Wudang and the shaolin together could be dangerous says the Wu-Tang clan. Know what... the wudang and shaolin together ARE dangerous, but they might also be the skills a healer needs.