So I've mostly used this place as a outlet...
A sounding board I guess?
A place to put the profoundly mundane.
Tonight I will try something else....
Words flow from off the goo...
I struggle to keep up as my mind races ahead and ahead faster than even I can type.
I miss the permanence of pen. The messy m istakes.
Fuck spellcheck.
This is gonna get raw like illegal milk.
A line I came up with the other night....
The silence of a composed of a million tiny voices screaming "LIFE" into the black abyss.
I wanna rip the dlete key off the board
i want a world where intelligence and fiderrence is celebrated rather than hated.
i was a future not rippe dfr om terminator or mad mx.
lines eaten
whats good enough
what snot
mania is so misunderstood by most
they think it happy... fun...
*wry smile*
Words like tire fires smouldering next to fireworks factories. Slow burnin but for how long?
Words like time bombs ticking under cars of justices most supreme.
Words like warm opiate laced milk... lulling you to the sleep no morning wakeup call will arouse.
Words to make the world's Gepetto's take notice.
Pyramid eye blinder
if ther is a way to make a situation awarkd i'll find er
is the value of a word determined by the one to recieve it?
is the value of a word determined by the one to concieve it?
what is the value of a word
what is a word
if i dont understand does it still have value?
IS it wrong to hope there is some sort of illuminati secret soceiety at large... i mean if there is, and hear me out, if there were some group controlling thw orld... mayhbe we can find 'em and teach e'm to do it better, because right now they are shit. just shit.
this world...
and i'm not ttalkin politics now
im talking humanity at large
this world....
i dont even need to go on... you know already
but lets just break down my biggest fears right now
Ai overlord... sure.. maybe... soon(tm)
bees dying... way more likely and super super super scary bad.
trees dying... yeah... it gets too hot the trees lose water out the pores in the leaves and all die... all them. no more trees.... super super bad, and if we dont slow down climate change... yeah
robot.s just robots. fuck robots.
droneswarms... look it up
drones in general
dying alone... i think everyone has this one, but i gotta acknowledge it.
those are the biggies that keep me up at night.
ok... i think i'm done
</screaming into the void>