I got a new computer!!!!1!!!!1eleven
It rules. I just need to pimp it out now. Oh wait... it is pimp. I just need to give it cool programs to run for me. *drool*
Anyone have pimp ass shit to send me? Video games are much appreciated.
That would make me unbelieveably happy except for the fact that...
My car is breaking
I need to have it fixed soon.
I'm just glad my transmition started to go while I was still in north carolina, and not 400 miles away from home. LOL
Not the biggest deal in the world. I'll get it fixed soon. I need to get ready for my trip. I'm going to go up and visit Indy soon.
It rules. I just need to pimp it out now. Oh wait... it is pimp. I just need to give it cool programs to run for me. *drool*
Anyone have pimp ass shit to send me? Video games are much appreciated.

That would make me unbelieveably happy except for the fact that...
My car is breaking

I need to have it fixed soon.
I'm just glad my transmition started to go while I was still in north carolina, and not 400 miles away from home. LOL
Not the biggest deal in the world. I'll get it fixed soon. I need to get ready for my trip. I'm going to go up and visit Indy soon.

Regardless, here's hoping much fun's had in Indy regardless of why (or who) yer there for.
How the hell am I supposed to know how you'll use it? That's your business. It's personal, man.
But I do agree that it's not really the best of lubes... there's much nicer smelling and more slippery substances out there. Not like I'll ever get to use 'em...
Now, what no one should ever leave home without - some sorta camera. Ya never know what'ch'll see and wanna capture on yer trip... star sightings, scenery, women going wild with other women, men going wild with other men, cats going wild with dogs, someone's new set bein' made, whatever. It's good stuff.