Well... Hung out with Big Time, Zizzle Blizzle, and Zab today. That was cool. Saw Hidalgo. It is the name of the horse. There... I ruined it for you. (j/k. rosebud refrence.) It was a cool movie. I liked it. The shots of the Arabian desert were very cool. I liked it for the cinimatics a lot. Cept the ghost thing and the leopards. But whatever. I also tried Uni for the first time today. I had been wanting to try it for a long time, but never had the chance/people to try it with. Uni, just for everyone who does not know, is sea urchin. Uni is apperently also Japanese for phlem. Uni was a bit dissapointment taste wise. However it made me think. How cool is it that there is a culture where something that has the rough taste/consistancy of deep lung phlem is a delacy to be served over rice? The idea of people who's tastes are sooooo different from mine blows my mind.
We decided that Big Time was a lazy racist. He hates subtitles and wishes that everyone would just fucking speak english already. Yeah. I know. I'm friends with him. He declaired that if all the middle east was nuked he would not shed a tear... and then we should send our prisioners there. Aaaah Big Time. God I hope he is kidding. Oh god do I hope he is kidding.
In recap.
Uni =
Hidalgo =
Big Time =
My day =
My internet addiction =
My nipples =
My mood =
Also was told by Sista Gayle that my dad is apperently cool as fuck. Apperently she and he talked about piercings before he moved out west... He was into them. Got his tongue done right before he moved out there...
Apperently also got "another part of his anatomy pierced." *raise of eyebrow... pointed look*
My response: "Right on Dad!"
We had this conversation because I explained to Sista Gayle about my nips.
I think I'm starting to understand that what my Dad did and what I am going to be doing are one and the same. We both decided to go west in order to recreate ourselves. My Dad was just older when he did it. I need to send him and e-mail and talk to him.
Chuck P. talks about how two types of people move west... those who are fleeing from something and those who want a new life. I guess I had thought of my Dad as fleeing. Now I am starting to think he was doing it for other reasons. Perhaps this gap between us can be closed.
Edited to add:
OooOoOOOoooOh! Also rememberd something I heard on the radio. NPR had a cool story on about some scientists who have apperently discovered Cold Fusion. No joke. The impossable may have become a reality!
Apperently they have this machine that can fire particles... I want to say neutreno but that does not make sense to me since neutrenos go through matter without interacting. Anyway. They fire this particle at a thing of water. The particle punches a TINY hole in the water. That hole expands and becomes a bubble that is practically a void. That bubble then collapses and the TINY trace amnouts of duterium vapor seem to undergo fusion. The down side? No one really believes that they did it. Only 3 or 4 labs in the world have this machine they use. Those other labs don't want to do the experiment to prove it. They are afraid of being mocked or some shit. Anyway. I take heart in the fact that the impossable may have become a reality in the past few months. That and a read a cool article in discover about this new class of metals... glassy metals. Pick up the discover. That shit sounds coooool. They took a brick of it and set it in concrete. Bounced a ball of the same material on it. Dropped from 2 feet. It bounced for 2 min solid. Steel ball bounces for a few seconds. That is how tough this shit is. A bar of titanium can hold like 300k lbs. A bar of this shit can hold like 700k lbs. It is injection moldable. It is corrosion proof. It is flexable. It is lighter than titanium and stronger.
Yeah. I'm a dork.

We decided that Big Time was a lazy racist. He hates subtitles and wishes that everyone would just fucking speak english already. Yeah. I know. I'm friends with him. He declaired that if all the middle east was nuked he would not shed a tear... and then we should send our prisioners there. Aaaah Big Time. God I hope he is kidding. Oh god do I hope he is kidding.
In recap.
Uni =

Hidalgo =

Big Time =

My day =

My internet addiction =

My nipples =

My mood =

Also was told by Sista Gayle that my dad is apperently cool as fuck. Apperently she and he talked about piercings before he moved out west... He was into them. Got his tongue done right before he moved out there...
Apperently also got "another part of his anatomy pierced." *raise of eyebrow... pointed look*
My response: "Right on Dad!"
We had this conversation because I explained to Sista Gayle about my nips.
I think I'm starting to understand that what my Dad did and what I am going to be doing are one and the same. We both decided to go west in order to recreate ourselves. My Dad was just older when he did it. I need to send him and e-mail and talk to him.
Chuck P. talks about how two types of people move west... those who are fleeing from something and those who want a new life. I guess I had thought of my Dad as fleeing. Now I am starting to think he was doing it for other reasons. Perhaps this gap between us can be closed.
Edited to add:
OooOoOOOoooOh! Also rememberd something I heard on the radio. NPR had a cool story on about some scientists who have apperently discovered Cold Fusion. No joke. The impossable may have become a reality!

Apperently they have this machine that can fire particles... I want to say neutreno but that does not make sense to me since neutrenos go through matter without interacting. Anyway. They fire this particle at a thing of water. The particle punches a TINY hole in the water. That hole expands and becomes a bubble that is practically a void. That bubble then collapses and the TINY trace amnouts of duterium vapor seem to undergo fusion. The down side? No one really believes that they did it. Only 3 or 4 labs in the world have this machine they use. Those other labs don't want to do the experiment to prove it. They are afraid of being mocked or some shit. Anyway. I take heart in the fact that the impossable may have become a reality in the past few months. That and a read a cool article in discover about this new class of metals... glassy metals. Pick up the discover. That shit sounds coooool. They took a brick of it and set it in concrete. Bounced a ball of the same material on it. Dropped from 2 feet. It bounced for 2 min solid. Steel ball bounces for a few seconds. That is how tough this shit is. A bar of titanium can hold like 300k lbs. A bar of this shit can hold like 700k lbs. It is injection moldable. It is corrosion proof. It is flexable. It is lighter than titanium and stronger.
Yeah. I'm a dork.
Weird eh?
i love npr. i have so many stories that start with "so i was listening to npr and... " same with the bbc. its just so damn interesting.
I think your thoughts on reinvinting yourself out west are really interesting. although 'the west' doesnt have the same connotations it used to years ago, its still got a very romantic allure. your dad sounds like a very intersting fellow, keep me updated with how that goes!
good luck!