Well it is snowing in North Carolina, and american airlines has decided that I need to wait until 3:30pm to fly out of RDU. They have cleared the runways and whatnot, but they still want me to wait. Only problem is that we are going to have another storm hitting us in the afternoon... So I may get trapped in NC. This would make me very frusterated with AA. Seeing as how the runways are clear and it has stopped storming I see no reason not to be able to fly out at 6:20am. I braved the storm to sell FISH for god sakes, and selling fish is soooo much less important than sending people around the country. I braved worse weather to do a less important job. This makes me sad.
are you here yet? should i sleep first? or shall we nap together, which reminds me i need to change the sheets... haha now it soulds all dirty n stuffs
Bah, that sucks. Hope you make it out ok. =)