warning: i'm going to be emo a min... bare w/ me.
i fucking hate my parents.
i need out of my house.
my life is good except for them.
nothing like coming home and being yelled at.
like YELLED at.
in your face confrontational yelling.
close enough to feel the breath of yelling.
i came >< close to getting into another fight. i have not been in a fight in years. i have specifically tryed to avoid them. i have in the past had problems w/ rage, and i thought i was past them, but apperently i'm not. i managed to restrain myself from hitting my step-dad... but attacked my wall until my hand hurt too much to hit it any more. my mother yelled at me to stop, because i would hurt myself, and my responce was "it's better than fucking hurting one of you." a true statment, but i dident mean to say it, it just came out. still... sooooo close. if he were to come downstairs and say another word to me i probably would. i need to chill the fuck out. i'm going to go eat some food... food helps. no wonder i'm a BCB. selfmedication. fucking crap.
i fucking hate my parents.
i need out of my house.
my life is good except for them.
nothing like coming home and being yelled at.
like YELLED at.
in your face confrontational yelling.
close enough to feel the breath of yelling.
i came >< close to getting into another fight. i have not been in a fight in years. i have specifically tryed to avoid them. i have in the past had problems w/ rage, and i thought i was past them, but apperently i'm not. i managed to restrain myself from hitting my step-dad... but attacked my wall until my hand hurt too much to hit it any more. my mother yelled at me to stop, because i would hurt myself, and my responce was "it's better than fucking hurting one of you." a true statment, but i dident mean to say it, it just came out. still... sooooo close. if he were to come downstairs and say another word to me i probably would. i need to chill the fuck out. i'm going to go eat some food... food helps. no wonder i'm a BCB. selfmedication. fucking crap.
i hope that you are ok and can't wait to talk to you tommorrow.
aye... food is a crutch.