I have recently been going through phases of feelings. I will think that words and language is the most amazing thing it the world, and then be dumbstruck at how limited language is by nature. I find myself unable to say things that I feel and think because of the limitations that language places on how you think. English is doubleplusungood. I have decided that on Monday i'm going to go to my old highschool and beg to be able to use the studio + art supplys. I have no idea what will come out of me, but I need some outlet for this. If I can I may take pics of the works and post them... but that all depends on being able to find a digicam/computer/scanner/normal camera. I wish I had the lynguistic skills of CubistPoet nowadays, but when I try to express how I feel the words will just not come. I miss her voice already, and I have just woken up from my dreams. I don't know how it is possable to miss someone you have never seen before but you can.
(to everyone) sorry for ramblin about stuff you dont know about.
(to her) I adore you my love. I adore you.
(to everyone) sorry for ramblin about stuff you dont know about.
(to her) I adore you my love. I adore you.
lol...it's really hard to do all that...especially as a cell phone game