Sitting here at 3am. Just now realizing I need to wake up at 9 to work... It is times like this where I wonder just what life is all about I guess. Like the fact that I need to work, to have cash, in order to live is an obvious one, but what is it we strive for? Perhaps I am just being too philosophical about all this crap, but I have been finding myself pondering life and relationships a great deal lately. Why do people act as they do to others? What makes people tick? I work at a service job... dealing w/ customers all day is my job, and it always amazes me how some ppl act. Anyone else understand what I mean? Yeah, like this is gonna be read. Well, enough ranting. Perhaps the sweet escape of sleep shall come soon, but until then I remain.... unh... awake. Yeah. That one got away from me.

No, not that game, but I do know the one you are talking about. Go is an ancient chinese board game, like 4000 years old or so, and as far as I can tell is the perfect board game. It is to chess what a symphony is to a jingle. Thanks for readin my rant. 

ok so i feel even more retarded but i know that game too and i totally agree. and as far as reading your rant goes any time!