So here I am, its friday and I am waiting for people to call me so i can go out and get drunk. I am realizing that I have a problem when it comes to my musical gear. I am never satisfied with my sound tone or whatever. I hit the guitar shops today and instead of looking for what I go for, I test drive an amp that blows me away and now i have to have it. What to do damnit. I am going to see about trading in what I have now for this because it rawks. Anyway, nuttin to report, gettin drunk tonight and tomorrow. Sunday, practice and then work. Monday, double shift, tues I may have some free time so I can do laundry. god i am pathetic. Have a safe and happy weekend.

Sweetie, Someone was thinking of US when they created THIS!

havent seen you on in a while...thought i would say hello...see whats new...i did post my good bye case you wanted to go look. see ya around...hope everything is good.