here i am back in snowy shitty new york. I am not happy. it took me a half hour just to unbury my cold and i wanna go back south. I think i am strting to shake off my southern accent which is good. I slept like complete ass last night so, miserable reject today. Nothing else is new, i have the desire to buy something unnessary and expensive to the guitar shop to buy me a new amp... yay for me! Talking to some friends right now since i have been missing in action for a week. nothing else is exciting. so, adios amigos... we will talk soon!!! luv you all!
edit... here is a stupid pic of me bein all stupid in the wedding.

edit... here is a stupid pic of me bein all stupid in the wedding.

or dont, its yours to treat as you will...when i visit my family up north they repeatedly ask me to say "yall" over and over
which i dont mind doing, until about an hours passed
take care, the heinous snow demons suck it hard