Feeling much better today, I dont know what I would do without my people to cheer me up. You know who you are and I love you all. Not much to report today, New Tattoo is itching like a motherfucker and I need to get laid! Anyone care to help??

...I dont know, need to get a band together and start photography again, Yeah, thats it, things to make me happy. Amethyst and Ivy... Hey, I can dream can't I????

i hate how new tattoos itch, they feel like a bad burn, and when its all pealy and stuff.. EEW thats the worst part of a tattoo, is the healing process! but it always last like a week or less.. so thats not TO bad. I need to get laid too, dont feel like the only one, haha ive been on my dry spell as well, but its okay, gotta love things that vibrate