So here I am, its friday and I am waiting for people to call me so i can go out and get drunk. I am realizing that I have a problem when it comes to my musical gear. I am never satisfied with my sound tone or whatever. I hit the guitar shops today and instead of looking for what I go for, I test...
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Sweetie, Someone was thinking of US when they created THIS!

havent seen you on in a while...thought i would say hello...see whats new...i did post my good bye case you wanted to go look. see ya around...hope everything is good.

So, since i got this new job, I have been trying to condition my body to getting up at 6 am now instead of leasurely waking up at 9ish. I failed miserably the past 2 days. Although today i was up at 630 so not too bad. Coffee is becoming my best friend now and i have to pee like every 10 minutes. And as...
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there's something to be said for incessant pissing.
congrats on getting the job! yay! what are you doing?

Lol, oh, so AM I the right one??? hmm hmm hmmm??? lmao....such a fire starter I am...
yeah bitches!!! I am in a great mood. Wanna know why? Because I got the job I was hoping for! Yay for me... I start monday, time to change my occupation from pizza dude to corporate fuck!!! adios!

holy crap! congrats man! 

congrads on your new job!!!!

hola, after being sick and still am sick. I decided to update. Well, all is well besides this goddamn cold. our first band practice is tonight and I am fucking psyched. I met our singer on tuesday and damn this girl has some talent so. All should go very well and hopefully take off. Nothing new to report just wanted to post that I am...
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i hope you feel better soon!!
have fun at practice!!
have fun at practice!!

did you ever have one of those days when you didnt want to get out of the shower? well, i am having one of those days... nothing bad happened, i am just in a lot of pain from throwing my back out... Its fucking cold here... Other than that, all is ok...

Dude, the other day I stood in the shower for about 10 minutes. And then I sat down for another 15!!!! How did you hurt the back? I am waiting for that to happen to me.
mmmmmm i loooove long hot showers.
...sorry about last night. i passed out as soon as i got into my pj's...[time was about 9:50...]

...sorry about last night. i passed out as soon as i got into my pj's...[time was about 9:50...]
update... i cannot figure out how to post a picture so.. i am just sending you the links so, deal.. .
this is me semi tired at the wedding...
and this is how i take pictures, if you want photos done... let me know and i will do my best to get to you...
this was the most brilliant sunset i have ever seen...
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this is me semi tired at the wedding...
and this is how i take pictures, if you want photos done... let me know and i will do my best to get to you...
this was the most brilliant sunset i have ever seen...
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posting a pic:
have the photo address already copied, and when in journal mode, click on "Image" next to all the smilies. paste the imagine link into there and press "ok" that should work. it does for me, at least
have the photo address already copied, and when in journal mode, click on "Image" next to all the smilies. paste the imagine link into there and press "ok" that should work. it does for me, at least

that sunset is GORGEOUS
mmm tuxes are hot

here i am back in snowy shitty new york. I am not happy. it took me a half hour just to unbury my cold and i wanna go back south. I think i am strting to shake off my southern accent which is good. I slept like complete ass last night so, miserable reject today. Nothing else is new, i have the desire to...
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noes! cling to that southern accent, dammit
or dont, its yours to treat as you will...when i visit my family up north they repeatedly ask me to say "yall" over and over
which i dont mind doing, until about an hours passed
take care, the heinous snow demons suck it hard
or dont, its yours to treat as you will...when i visit my family up north they repeatedly ask me to say "yall" over and over
which i dont mind doing, until about an hours passed
take care, the heinous snow demons suck it hard

i physically cannot take anymore rejection. I cant do it anymore... I am emotionally drained... I cant do this. i cant do this i cant do this i cant do this. fuck, what is so wrong with me... Why the fuck cant anyone accept me for me. I am a pathetic loser i know but I cannot be accepted by anyone. I am great on...
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chear up it cant be that bad you have just got to find your group every one has a group you just got to find that group. so what made you hat sg

oh, sweetheart, i'm so sorry. *hugs*
i'm going to pm you my phone number. call tonight and we'll talk if you want to.
i'm going to pm you my phone number. call tonight and we'll talk if you want to.
Bull shit dude. Its all a fucking tragedy.
Pantera was my first concert.

Happy thanksgiving everyone. I am actually glad I had today off. I relaxed, drank a bit and it was fun! I hope yours was good... I am off.

I'm glad you got a chance to relax. Thanks for the nice comments.

My Thanksgiving was typical Holiday Hell--rushing from family to family trying to keep everyone happy without loosing my OWN mind. At least I'm off work till Monday. KMFDM and Ministry both rocked, but no more concerts to go to for a while now.
Have an awesome week.