Well the world cup has started and I wish I was in where I could go to a couple game's. But I am gonna have to watch it on tv since it's across that big pond.
Otherwise nothing much really has been going on. Just been working alot and trying to save money but well it's a hard thing, with having a to big drinking...
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Otherwise nothing much really has been going on. Just been working alot and trying to save money but well it's a hard thing, with having a to big drinking...
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Yeh so today was an intersting day.....
For the most part it was pretty much a non-eventaful day!
I've been really tired lately, and I think it's because my thyroid medican is way off. I need to go get that check out, soon. I really hate being tired and wanting to sleep. It's either that or I've really got something wrong with me.
Off to...
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For the most part it was pretty much a non-eventaful day!
I've been really tired lately, and I think it's because my thyroid medican is way off. I need to go get that check out, soon. I really hate being tired and wanting to sleep. It's either that or I've really got something wrong with me.
Off to...
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Alright here we go.....
No more work till Sunday at 4pm!!!!
And I am not complaining, one fuckin' bit!
As for the plans, I'm fixing to go to bed then get up and get my check, go to the bank, go back to bed and wait for 3:30ish and then off to Bham tomorrow for the ALSG meetup.
Otherwise nothing else is going on, no...
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No more work till Sunday at 4pm!!!!
And I am not complaining, one fuckin' bit!
As for the plans, I'm fixing to go to bed then get up and get my check, go to the bank, go back to bed and wait for 3:30ish and then off to Bham tomorrow for the ALSG meetup.
Otherwise nothing else is going on, no...
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thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my set.
hahaha, I like your outlook on saving money... so I can drink tomorrow! hahaha cute, real cute. Thanks for commenting on my set
Well tonight I have to be at x-mart for these hour's again 12am till 8am. Yeh I really don't care for these shift, I rather be at home in bed, instead of out dealing with crusier's and well people.
But it's alright the SGAL meet up is coming on Friday the 2nd, and it's gonna be fun. Especially since I get paid on Thrusday. I...
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But it's alright the SGAL meet up is coming on Friday the 2nd, and it's gonna be fun. Especially since I get paid on Thrusday. I...
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Thank you so much for the comment on my set!
how do I know you....you look familiar!
Got a new tattoo, have satisfed my ink itch for a week or so.....
Now happy for now....!
Now happy for now....!
thanks a lot for your comment on my debut set
thanks so much for the comment on my sonic and tails set! im sorry i didn't get back to you before! xxx
Sorry it's a bit late..but thanks so much for your comment on my debut set!!
As useal thing suck.
Gotta go to work tonight at midnight till 8am.
I just hate that the porn shop is so damn dead that late at night. It make's for a slow night!
Gotta go to work tonight at midnight till 8am.
I just hate that the porn shop is so damn dead that late at night. It make's for a slow night!
Well, Well, Well......
Well, well, well....
what a hell of a weekend.
what fun it is going to the shop at 12 midnight tonight till 8 in the morning.
fuck a certian number of people.
cock, click, bang.......
Well, well, well....
what a hell of a weekend.
what fun it is going to the shop at 12 midnight tonight till 8 in the morning.
fuck a certian number of people.
cock, click, bang.......