So my mentor and I finnaly sat down and talked. My status at work is changing and my duties will be too. Essentialy I'm being given more freedom to work outside of the company and less in house responsibilities. I'm now a semi freelance tech. I feel sort of bad about the situation but I think it's going to work out for the best. Thanks...
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You're a fucking rockstar, Stephen. smile

Thanks for being my best bud.
Wow what a great fucking party!
I worked the new years bash at the center of the arts. Three different parties in one. And Skavenjah played under my lights. Fucking awesoeme but man do I hurt.
Ran in to Ovida and some of the other ladies and they were extremely drunk. Also spotted an old boyhood crush longstriding in a denim skirt that made me...
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Happy New Year

..."Damn work being a cock block." That was genius!
Thanks Dolce. I thought it was clever too.
Well how's that for the second post ever? Weeee.
I'm in much better spirits today. I spent some time with my room mate Perris and then hooked up with Kasara and we went for a movie and drinks. She is realy good at reminding me about what's good in my life.

I'm going on an adventure tomorow. Or at least I'm talking it up like...
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A holiday withought true relaxation and more than one sleeples night and now I've decided I'm gonna get this out. For those of you who don't want to listen to a twenty year old bachelor bitch about his life stop reading this post right now.

I guess it's best to start at the begining. My current (I think) employers found me when I was still...
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So I sit at home. It's nearly four in the morning. I've spent time working on a hobby I've negglected for far to long. I've bought toilet paper. I've reaquainted myself with an old freinds girlfreind (she's quite nice and I've discovered I still aprove of her). Christmas is pretty much over and was much less painfull than anticipated. I should be at peace and...
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I figure it's about time I put this thing to use. So here is my first post on this site (hold for applause). Some of you may be startled by the picture I've attempted to post. Others may be intrigued or arroused. I am not however a wolf. I just think their neat and don't have a recent picture of myself.
It is about time you started using your journal! A very late welcome to SG; perhaps more of a Happy one-year anniversary!

And that's a gorgeous wolf picture. love